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Stormhole Webspace and shells design

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Jun 28th 2002#55595 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
This is a design I'm making for a local webspace and shells provider that is just starting.
Please give me suggestions and constructive critique !
(The text on this screenshot are just examples, to show where the text is going to be. The size of the file is maybe a bit big, because it's still just a single jpg file.)

The screenshot is being updated all the time, when I'm working on it. ;)
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Jun 28th 2002#55596 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
And I'm planning to put in some wires, switches and stuff, If I find space for it...
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Jun 28th 2002#55601 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
Looking simple and clean. Very fresh.
I´m not too fond of the header/footer image...a bit chaotic maybe.. But that´s just my personal opinion...

Otherwise, not too original, but looks great nevertheless.
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Jun 28th 2002#55607 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well now I have inserted some stuff...
I know it looks a bit messy, but I have tried to reduce the opcaity on some of the layers, but it doesn't look good. And besides, the guy who is starting this site (with me) likes this one...
But are there any, not so big things, I can change on, colours, bars, text etc. ?
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Jun 29th 2002#55856 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well don't you have any comments guys??? There has to be something that is either good or bad!
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Jun 29th 2002#55859 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 69
I like the first one better overall.

On the second one, I like the image put under the Information section. I don't like, however, the dark grid in the second, the blurred detail (noticable the most in the header image), the grey image added to the header in the bottom left, and the network computer server thingy added to the footer. It ruins the clean crisp feel. (Not to mention the second is darker, and more grey, which makes it loose it's crisp feel) but I do like the slight line in the header seperating the radioactive thingy and the Verjon1.0. Put that in the first image and put the "Information" image the first image and yer good as far as I am concerned.
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Jun 29th 2002#55868 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well, I'm trying to make it a bit brighter and crispier, but the guy who I am making it for told me to make it a bit darker, so I did...
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Jun 29th 2002#55869 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
But what do you think, should I do something with the header text, or should I just leave it?
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