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my site, v1.0

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Jun 26th 2002#55284 Report
Member since: Feb 12th 2002
Posts: 271
here it is... its mainly just a portfolio now. let me know if you like it, or what you think sucks, etc. all advice is welcome. just don't rag on me too hard... heh.

the server is a little slow. and i have nothing but images. meh. if you're on 56k, then oh well. sorry.
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Jun 26th 2002#55287 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2002
Posts: 378
I like some of your images.
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Jun 26th 2002#55329 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
what the hell is that old guy naked on his yard.. you are messed up.. anyway about your site... its ok i dont really like the left side thing... kinda seems pointless there...
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Jun 27th 2002#55367 Report
Member since: Feb 12th 2002
Posts: 271
yah i should put a disclaimer before that old man. i don't see why people don't like it tho. i guess i'm just messed up.

Oh. yeah. like you said.
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Jun 27th 2002#55380 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
i mean its done well.. i like your scuptures but the idea about a old dudes nuts hanging a foot down is kinda weird.... its done well though ...
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Jun 27th 2002#55417 Report
Member since: Mar 23rd 2002
Posts: 51
people feel umcomfortable because most people dont like seeing old men standing naked on a lawn...."but he's got such.....OLD balls!"

like your pics very cool
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Jun 28th 2002#55600 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
woahaha :D
Well, I dont really like the splash page, looks like you just used some bad photoshop layer effect. It just doesn't fit with the site.
The design is great, nice smooth, and no errors. Looks very professional to me.
But, fu*k, that old guy scared the **** outta me :D
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