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Jun 21st 2002#54304 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2002
Posts: 160
Yes i'm inviting you to come to my homie and take a look, criticize it, review it whatever you wanna say about it. I'm not a pro this is my first time to build and this is only a hobby but i still want to learn from you....any comments are appreciated. Take a look here!
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Jun 21st 2002#54307 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i suggest losing the butterflies...
and you got photoshop (i think) use it man
that's a poor color scheme as well, i would drop the
banners, ads, clock and counter.

make some personalized content, not just links for
someone to findout the day they were born.
the album i kinda like that lady one and a few others...
well i guess it's a good start, alot better than my first webpage
(i had frames and marquees everywhere)

and also note i'm no master at designing layouts and content, you'll notice i have no webpage at the moment...and that is the reason :D
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Jun 21st 2002#54329 Report
Member since: Jun 17th 2002
Posts: 9
i am not a big fan of centering everything down the middle of the sould use tables and alighn the content to the left hand side...also i agree about using photoshop, the graphics are...well....on the extreme newbie tip....maybe try to make the navigation and elements of the page in more of a cohesive scheme...right now they do not blend together very well.....otherwise it's a good start, my first webpage was complete and utter schmuck!!

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Jun 21st 2002#54336 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2002
Posts: 378
I agree the color scheme needs some more work. I would suggest looking around, on other sites that interest you and see how they use color. Check out a few links on color theory:

Maybe even get a color scheme program, I use this one:

So now you pick your color palette, I wouldn't use more than 3 or 4 colors; too many colors are hard to keep in good harmony.

As far as your layout, play around with it a bit more. Maybe start off by making quick little sketches on a piece of paper of what you think would make a site look good, play around with ideas. Then when you come up with something you like, use it, make it into a web site.

There is much more to learn about all this, I'm still learning every day, getting better I think. Just keep asking questions.
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Jun 22nd 2002#54498 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2002
Posts: 160
That's very nice of you i'm redesigning my web, thanks alot atleast now i know what i'm gonna do, thanks for the tips.
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