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Jun 17th 2002#53533 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
is this better than before, for those of you that remember
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Jun 17th 2002#53536 Report
Member since: Apr 24th 2002
Posts: 901
i think i like the old one better
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Jun 17th 2002#53540 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i think you should've posted this on the old thread, i don't wanna search around.

but that fx'd-up text makes it look spooky and something else sticks out but i don't know what.
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Jun 18th 2002#53652 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2002
Posts: 75
aaaaaaa i have nuthing to say but um dude for get it

how about i just make your site for you bro i will do it for 50 bucks man
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Jun 18th 2002#53669 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
That's what we like to see around here. Nice constructive criticism.

That Dude I got news for ya... you aren't in a position to slam *anybody's* work like that. Your site is *far* from being exemplary in the representation of solid web and graphical design skills.

So before you decide to spit anymore garbage here on the forum, take stock of your own work and if you feel that you really *are* that much more superior then share your knowlegde and give some constructive feedback. Otherwise, just keep those lame @ss comments to yourself.

Zyconium - I barely remember your old site so it's hard for me to compare. If you had a link to both it would be easier. But without that, I can comment on what I see here...

The navigation leans towards not being so user friendly. Folks just want to see a menu and push a button, not have to open a pull down and then click a separate button to launch the link. It's clever, yeah, but not so quick and user friendly. Maybe that's just a nitpick! Also on the navigation, I would add "Our location" or "Directions" or something and have detailed instructions on how to get to your location - maybe even include a map. Also I would have a "contact" selection on the navigation that provides the mailing info, phone/fax and email addresses. *Then*, I would get rid of all that stuff on your main page there and use the space instead to *really* tell people about your business. Make it an advertisement. Pump up your visitors and *make* them want to do business with you. Keep it short, but well composed. Like the amount of information you could give someone in 30 seconds. Employ some marketing tactics here. Throw in a couple of creative shots that include happy customers interacting with your staff.

"What's news" is cool, but it should come below the "about us" stuff since it's secondary to informing your visitors about your business.

Seems to me just a little more organization and some marketing put into action and you'd be taking your site up a couple of notches and making it a more useful tool for your business.
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Jun 18th 2002#53712 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
lol @ That dude´s post..
(Zyconium´s site is about 400% more stylish than yours, man)

I´d get rid of the scanlines in the BG, they don´t seem to flow very well, and it´s a tad small and gives a bit of a cranked feeling.
I´d make a onePixel-line between the header and the contentArea, and the colors are a matter of taste, so I won´t say too much on that..

Otherwise, I think that you show progress, which is the most important thing. Keep doing, zyc.
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Jun 18th 2002#53729 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
ty paavo
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Jun 18th 2002#53746 Report
Member since: Jun 17th 2002
Posts: 9
i agree about the scanlines, they are good for small backgorunds but not the whole page.

also i noticed that if your scrollbar is the exact same color as the track, somepeople might not see it and think its not might want to check that out....

i'm not a big fan of the font your using for the CSS, i think that verdana at 10pt. would look very good for the content and maybe 12pt. for the headers.

maybe make the navigation a little more noticeable too...

overall i think it is clean and well laid out.....
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Jun 18th 2002#53813 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
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Jun 18th 2002#53814 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2002
Posts: 75
that is bette r
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