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Website BETA TEST... need testers

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Jun 16th 2002#53296 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2002
Posts: 1
Hello everyone.

If anyone feels like giving me a hand by beta testing this website, I'd appreciate it.

The following are specific questions that need to be answered -- it would be easiest if you just copied the questions and then also answered them in your reply.




Are you a regular customer at any public library?
· yes______
· no______

Which of the following do you consider yourself?
· a web professional______
· very web-literate, but not a professional______
· average experience______
· a complete novice______

As you evaluate the site, which one or more of the following are you acting as?
· a representative of an organization____
· an individual______
· a web professional______
· an information professional______
· an educator______
· an amateur______

In evaluating this site, are you likely to prioritize one of the following?
· structural logic_______
· information content______
· language______
· pictures______
· colour and style______
· ease of use______
· ease of comprehension______

Prior to evaluating this site, which of the following would have described your knowledge of Pelee Island?
· extensive______
· good______
· moderate______
· little______
· almost none_______


What was your first impression of the site?

Did you find the kind of information you expected?

Was the language understandable?

Were the pictures clear, informative and attractive?

Did you find the kind of information you need?

Do you have a clear image of the evolution of Pelee Island, its land and its people, over the millennia?

What sort of information is missing?


Is the print easily read?

Are the pictures well done?

Are the pages laid out in an easily understood way?

What do you think of the colour scheme?


Did you have any trouble navigating the site?

Did the layout seem logical and intuitive?

Did you like the link/search features?

What is the best part of the layout?

What is the worst part?

What functions weren’t operating?

What needs improvement?

Geographic Information Systems

The searchable layers of images and information are known as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). How fast did the GIS page load in your browser?
· very fast______
· fast______
· slow______
· very slow______

What browser are you using?
· Internet Explorer______
· Netscape Navigator______
· both______

How fast is your Internet connection?
· high speed (10/100 – cable)______
· modem______
· extremely high speed (1000Mbps)______

Did you find the “Help Page” pop window helpful?
· extremely helpful______
· helpful______
· not very helpful______

Was the functionality of the GIS area easy to use?
· very easy______
· kind of easy______
· not very easy______

Did you find the content of the GIS area educational and fascinating?
· yes______
· somewhat______
· not really______

Do you have any other comments about the GIS area?


Did you enjoy the site?

Did the site inform you?

Would you visit the site again?

What is the best thing about the site?

What is the worst thing about the site?

When complete, would you recommend the site to colleagues and friends?

Do you have additional comment?
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Jun 16th 2002#53298 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2002
Posts: 5
Whoa, that's like 40 questions too many. If you're going to ask that many questions, make a form.
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Jun 16th 2002#53304 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78

Are you a regular customer at any public library?
· no

Which of the following do you consider yourself?
· very web-literate, but not a professional-yeah as in i know lots of sh*t, but cant seem to make a dime

As you evaluate the site, which one or more of the following are you acting as?
· an individual

In evaluating this site, are you likely to prioritize one of the following?
· ease of use

Prior to evaluating this site, which of the following would have described your knowledge of Pelee Island?


What was your first impression of the site?
-Very basic site, with lots of content, lots and lots and lots of content. I'd say that If I wanted to read it all, i might not start at all because of the mass amount you are presented with, but it is in sizable portions.

Did you find the kind of information you expected?
Sure did, lots of information on the islands history i guess.

Was the language understandable?
Umm yup, last i know, i can speak english.

Were the pictures clear, informative and attractive?
Pictures were divers and interesting, although the formatting was aweful. Try and table or something, one big column its pretty bad.

Did you find the kind of information you need?
Hrm, didn't realize i needed to know anything about the Pelee Island, so i dunno.

Do you have a clear image of the evolution of Pelee Island, its land and its people, over the millennia?
Didn't actually read all the content, so i dont know. only read two, but they sounded very good.

What sort of information is missing?
I dont know, maybe some information on visiting the Island maybe.


Is the print easily read?
arial is always nice, and i can read it clear as day, 1280x1024 res ona 19" monitor.

Are the pictures well done?
Very well done.

Are the pages laid out in an easily understood way?
somehow i found that opening the information in new window was EXTREMELY unnerving and basically annoying. I was always afraid that it didn't open in a new window and i'd close the site or something stupid like that.

What do you think of the colour scheme?
umm, its green, and pretty basic. I like the brown bar thingie on the bottom though, its nice, but i would add to the design a little more.


Did you have any trouble navigating the site?
read above, new windows drove me crazy.

Did the layout seem logical and intuitive?
read above. the link bar is fine, no windows!

Did you like the link/search features?
search isn't exactly up

What is the best part of the layout?
umm, i dunno, pretty norm.

What is the worst part?
the whole thing is pretty bland

What functions weren’t operating?
just pages that weren't finished

What needs improvement?
structure, design elements, and those darn windows

Geographic Information Systems

The searchable layers of images and information are known as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). How fast did the GIS page load in your browser?
not fast, or slow i guess, a little longer than ideal i'd say, maybe 2-4 seconds.

What browser are you using?
· Internet Explorer

How fast is your Internet connection?
· high speed (10/100 – cable)

Did you find the “Help Page” pop window helpful?

Was the functionality of the GIS area easy to use?
· very easy, the loading time caused many misguided clicks and things.

Did you find the content of the GIS area educational and fascinating?
· yes, i love that thing, its pretty neat.

Do you have any other comments about the GIS area?
Loading times, and a few problems with the zooming function were evident, but i figured them out pretty quick. I guess if ur dumb or lazy or maybe even not too quick, or maybe old(thats it onthe maybe's) then you might get confused and give up.


Did you enjoy the site?
a little, too much information for a guy from FL, to read thru though, but the GIS kicked butt.

Did the site inform you?
sure, i guess, didn't read much though.

Would you visit the site again?
probably not:(

What is the best thing about the site?

What is the worst thing about the site?

When complete, would you recommend the site to colleagues and friends?
Umm, if I ever get asked, "Hey dave, you know any places where I can find information on Pelee Island, i will absolutely recommend ur site to them.
Do you have additional comment?

nope, gj.
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Jun 16th 2002#53305 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
HAHA, yeah, I finally did it. and thats not BS either, even though u might think it is, please take it into consideration since I took the time to do so many questions, sheesh.
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Jun 16th 2002#53312 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
WTH?? This isn't the place to do this stuff. The misc section is the best place to do things like this.
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Jun 16th 2002#53313 Report
Member since: Feb 12th 2002
Posts: 271
heh, atrus. i didn't read the original post, or your response, but by the looks of it, you're pretty hardcore. that is all.
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Jun 16th 2002#53348 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
lol, just really really really bored.
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