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San Francisco,ca local (Site Check)

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Jun 6th 2002#51929 Report
Member since: May 8th 2002
Posts: 66
this is a site im doing for a san francisco street preformer its about 70% tell me what you think about it

and if you havent check out my site

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Jun 6th 2002#51939 Report
Member since: Aug 4th 2001
Posts: 134
Regarding the first one, really liked it.
Simple and concise.

However, try to allow more space for content instead of the image on the left.

Just my 2 cents worth...
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Jun 7th 2002#52019 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I think the its pretty good....i like how the first one is nice and simple but still has alot of designing taste to it....and as for your site im not sure i like it to much...its just kinda cut off at higher resolutions like mine **1280x1024** but its a good concept...
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Jun 7th 2002#52034 Report
Member since: Aug 28th 2001
Posts: 970
It seems like I'm always the one to like the other. I live about 30 miles from S.F and I'd say number 2 fits the street preformer scene alot better than 1. Just from what I've observed from around town I just get this S.F vibe from the second one.
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Jun 7th 2002#52035 Report
Member since: Aug 28th 2001
Posts: 970
I'd like to add however that I don't think the font you used for the second one works well though. It's hard for me to read and I don't think it goes with everything that you have there.
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Jun 7th 2002#52053 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
time for an old-school charm critique...

i like it a lot! here is why:

-nice colors!
-love the large photo on the homepage (is that actually him or is it stock art? A++ to you if it is actually him!)
-love the newspapers on the 'in news' page
-seems like 90% of the sites posted here are people's personal design sites. it is refreshing to see something that is actually interesting and different!

here is what i would change...
-size your images in the html. i didn't view source, but it doesn't appear that you have. (getting the annoying jumpy effect as the page loads)
-are you using image ready? don't. cut it up by hand. this thing is overly complex for no reason.
-build the pages to expand. the photo on the 'about' page is breaking up. the articles are annoying to read/print because the user has to keep hitting next, next, next, next. web pages are made to scroll. every single page does not have to be above the fold.

overall i like it! it could stand to be cleaned up a bit.
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