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ionic design concepts

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Jun 5th 2002#51750 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 26
Can't decide which I prefer, although obviously the first one's better file size-wise. Your thoughts are welcome.
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Jun 5th 2002#51753 Report
Member since: Apr 9th 2002
Posts: 285
I like the first one
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Jun 5th 2002#51761 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
I think I like the first one as well. The second seems like it would conflict with any content you would put in there.
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Jun 5th 2002#51781 Report
Member since: Aug 28th 2001
Posts: 970
I like the second one accept I'd fade the background awhole lot. I agree with the4man that the second would conflict with the content too much. I think it would be a nice effect though if the clouds were still there but really faded.
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Jun 6th 2002#51802 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
the 1st one too...
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Jun 6th 2002#51804 Report
Member since: Apr 29th 2002
Posts: 425
Something I noticed right away in your layouts is one of the biggest problems I had with my first layout made in photoshop. Basicly the clouds are gonna look way off unless you have an iframe for content because as your content grows you're gonna have to scroll and the clouds will only be so long. It's a problem that's easily fixable, I just thought i'd let you in on it incase you didn't know.. I like the first one better, it just looks more logical than the second.
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Jun 6th 2002#51859 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2002
Posts: 75
i like the 2end i is more aun like a a i do not know i just like it we eeee
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Jun 6th 2002#51905 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 26
Pheeble: yeah, they'll be using iframes with a non-scrolling background.

Still haven't quite made up my mind on which one to use, so I can still be persuaded either way...
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Jun 6th 2002#51916 Report
Member since: Apr 24th 2002
Posts: 901
1st one is best i think. The background in the second one is too visible
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Jun 7th 2002#52095 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
where is your content and navigation? how can you leave these out? you should be including them from step 1!
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