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my site??? HHEEELLLLPPPP!!!!

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May 26th 2002#50056 Report
Member since: May 26th 2002
Posts: 3
I am in desperate need of help!!!

I have this site, ( wich I want to improve, but I have no idea on where to begin! :confused:
I hope anybody can check it out and give me some input on how to do that.
Even comments are welcome......(it's a learning-process!)
By the way.....what do splashes do???

Thanks in advance!!!

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May 26th 2002#50058 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019 asked if i wanted to dl some
java virtual machine...and i clicked no...
so whatever u got on there i'm missing out
on something.

first off, I say get rid of the peppermint candy cane
borders, escpecially for your horizontal rules.
and unless those are your sponsors or whatever,
get rid of all those adbuttons, to me it makes it
seem really out of place and makes the rest look random.
which brings me to the next pimple, if it doesn't keep real
stats, don't put it on...i used to use those counter things back when i used homestead and angelfire templates...
i think that's the correct site...great free service.
and i'd get rid of that ICQ rubbish i don't know, maybe
you have a need/use for it then i guess it's fine, but if no one
messages you except for those people advertising pr0n sites...
anywho, u should also reorganize the content on the pages...very random.

nice splash though, and maybe change your link colors so that it's easier to read on a black bgcolor.
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May 26th 2002#50059 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
well, if i was you, i'd give the site a complete makeover.

Delete everything and start over. New nav, no black colours, no candy stick banners, everything, in my opinion must go. Have a look in the cool sites section and check out some really nicely designed sites. Or go to to get a layout idea. Lose all that stuff at the bottom, i know some are advertisements, but your counter and al the other stuff you willingly put up does not look cool. Keep experimenting, look around the web for ideas're on your way. :P
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May 26th 2002#50105 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
...And when you do the makeover, COMPRESS those images! Your page is over 100K and there's really not much there to validate having a page that size! I'd consider doing the monster animation in flash. I'd think that you could do at less than the 73K it's at now maybe? Even the title at the top which is just 2 colors is 24K. Make that a 2 color gif and you should be able to cut it's size *signifigantly*.

I agree with the candycane stuff. Gotta go. Black may be out in some people's opinions, but if you like it, keep it. The ads need to go unless they are mandatory for the site itself. Counter... gotta go.

I agree on the complete redesign. Not only will it improve your site, it will gain you more experience at the same time.

Try using some tables and make some more of your content horizontal, rather than a mostly vertical page. It's just a matter of experimenting, critiquing other sites for inspiration/comparision, posting questions on the forum on how to do stuff and then just doing it.

BTW, how do I know the sizes of your images? Well it's no secret how to defeat the right click protection, which might seem like a hi-tech feature to have on your site, but don't think that it will protect your images from those who really want them!

Overall, looks like you are on the right track. Just keep at it.

Dave Fore
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May 26th 2002#50113 Report
Member since: Apr 20th 2002
Posts: 3000
Umm I highly doubt you got that Golden Web Award as well.
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