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for the webmasters or admins

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May 16th 2002#48233 Report
Member since: Jun 19th 2001
Posts: 41
hi guys ,, i have a question ..

i have a dutch dbz site

and if made it inspirated by teamphotoshop ,, but if made everything 100% myself ,

but some people say it is a rip ,, but i do not agree on that ,
because if used 3dcables on the left side of my site , will not mean that im ripping ? just because not that many people use this kind of technice ..

there are many layouts of sites that look a like ,, and if people use tutorials to brighten up there site , i must call that a form of ripping to ..

but anyway ,, i just want to hear from you guys ,,, the admins or webmasters of what they think about it ,

i say again ,
if bin inspirated by teamphotoshop , but if made everything myself ,, and at the first site the site may look alike ,, but if you give it a second view it don,t look that alike at all .

please give me your comments
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May 16th 2002#48234 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
yeah it does look a lot like theres
but thats coo
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May 16th 2002#48235 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
I don't know if it looks too much like

It made me think of it immediately though. Why don't you just make something original? Wouldn't that make you feel way better? Or you must like people calling you a ripper.

Brave of you to post this message here though, you should wait until pank, founder of teamphotoshop, comes in and posts his judgement.
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May 16th 2002#48237 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
well i classify rips as taking the original images that someone else has done... but that site is pretty close. it's obviously just copying teamps. i wouldn't call it ripping. but i wouldn't call it 'inspiration' either. it's copying. plain and simple. completely unoriginal.
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May 16th 2002#48238 Report
Member since: Jun 19th 2001
Posts: 41
you have a point there ,, it isn,t a original design ,, but then again ,, many sites any not original in that way ,,

i wouldn,t call i copying ether ,

look ,, the only thing that looks the same are the darker colors and the 3dcabels on the left ,, beside that the site is totally differend ,

i whas thinking of a different design for my site because many people confront me with the fact that it looks a lot like this site ,

and agian ,, im not lying about that ,, i took a good look at teamphotoshop's design before i made my website ,, i also wanted to make that sweet 3dcabels that nobody else made ,,

but here 's another question ,, what if i put the cabels on the right site ,, will you guys still think that im copying or "ripping"

not that i will , ,but just to let me know ,, because there are no "rules" about ripping ,, ripping to me is to use somebody else his work by stealing it and using it for your own website ,

and offcource im not dumb ,, by looking at my site im not suprised that some people call me a ripper ,,

but than again ,, if made everything myself ,, and the hardest part of it all is ,, that i like it ^_^' ,

thats why i like to get some comments of the real webmaster op teamphotoshop ,

if he says something like "bleg , you stink ,, me not likes you ,, look to mutch like ,, please change " , than i will change it asap.

but will he stand behind me and say that it ok to keep this one online but it isn,t a original site ,, then i think i will keep the layout online for a little wile longer .

but i will see what he has to say .
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May 16th 2002#48240 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
if you put it on the right side i still think you would be copying the style. And so will everyone else...

Those cables make people think of teamphotoshop.
End of story.
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May 16th 2002#48241 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
tp is the ONLY place I've ever seen those cables
how but getting rid of them..
put a bannana there or something or a big banner
saying "i have no original ideas" ...
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May 16th 2002#48247 Report
Member since: Jun 19th 2001
Posts: 41
ha - ha ..

serious you guys ,, you say it yourself ,, teamphotoshop is the only one with that cabels ,, but that doesn,t give them a copyright or something on them ..

but you are right ,, its not original ,, but im not saying it is .

ill just wait for the comments of the real webmaster

edit : Look ! that is what you call a ripper .. lol

anyway ,, im a bit sick of the endless comments ,, and i,m feeling a bit low .. i have my own look at it , and in that look it doesn,t feel bad , but because of the comments ,, i feel unoriginal ,, so i thing i will change the layout asap ,, i will take up to a few weeks or maybe a bit less ,, ..

beside that i still would like to get the comments from the webmaster ,, just for my own personal ego .. -_- ''
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May 16th 2002#48261 Report
Member since: Aug 10th 2001
Posts: 793
Its only for the cables... and they look diferent...

This small inspiration does not mean a rip... the look is far form the same...
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May 17th 2002#48299 Report
Member since: Jun 8th 2001
Posts: 451
How can it be a rip if you did all the art work and coding? It may look similar but it's still your work man. Good job and keep up the great work. By the way I've the circle and any thing similar to it copyrighted so you may not use it. j/k hehe
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