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Mai furst homepayge

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Apr 25th 2002#43944 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
very nice stuff. Did you do those themes, and if so, what program did you use and how did you do the effect?
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Apr 25th 2002#43952 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Hi :D

No, all of the images are from people I know, whether on DeviantArt, or IRC .. I have permission from them (emails) to use the graphics, and when the site is finished, the image (and the description text underneath) will link back to their sites... onyl person who hasn't emailed back is the guy who made the graphic for 'Wind' .. despite repeated notes on deviant art, and emails.... so I put it up anyway, hoping he won't mind hehe.

Can't say fairer than that I'm just a master hacker coder kinda guy. :D
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Apr 25th 2002#43956 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
great looking site! very organized. and love the themes!
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Apr 26th 2002#44063 Report
Member since: Jun 8th 2001
Posts: 451
o god.. why is the text so small!?! I left after 3 sec of the page loading. This is where you ask "Why did you leave after only 3 sec?". Then I reply with 1. Could not locate the nav bar. 2. Had a hard time reading the content on the site due to the font being set at (I'm guessing) 4. Other then that I like.. Na love the layout.
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Apr 26th 2002#44064 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Greetings... it's always worth reading the post first before clicking on the link.. I specifically stated that there wasn't a navigation bar module yet.. ;)

Font size is too small? Phff.. get glasses, LoL.. :D

Thx for comments though heheh
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Apr 29th 2002#44656 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Looks really hot man! :P
I really like this one, it's a while since I last made a design, but this one made me really want to make another one ;)
Great man!
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Apr 29th 2002#44662 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
dude, i love your design... great job!!!!!!!
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