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your opinions will be appreciated...

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Apr 16th 2002#42306 Report
Member since: Jan 10th 2002
Posts: 131
this is a job i did end of last summer... plz give me some feedback (be nice) this is the first time i show something here... now i'm buyn' a wacom for home as well and i hope to start learning on the graph competitions as well...

have a nice week
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Apr 16th 2002#42307 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
My only complain... Get rid of that full screen page.
This is how it goes..

I enter the site, a full screen window pops,
Another small window comes out.

Too many windows opening is really irritating. Just use the main page for the visitor to click the splash to open the small window.
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Apr 16th 2002#42314 Report
Member since: Jan 10th 2002
Posts: 131
well, actually that browser window with the logo in the middle I have put it on purpose:

1.) in case someone loses the small window u are browsing the site (I remind u the rules of web usability which envolve even dumb users, 80yr-old, etc.) unfortunately surfers are low rated compared to forum users and there's a whole huge bunch of them out there!!!

2.) the site's engine is in flash and it is thought in 800x600 and with bigger monitor resolution I didn't want to have desktop show up on borders... btw, plz notice that the popup window is to fille the desktop and it has no borders besides a small X on top right corner (that I didn't want to put but always for web usability not every1 knows the magical use of ALT-F4!)

- so, besides first popup di u visit entire site or as I guess not?
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Apr 16th 2002#42319 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
I did close the full screen window when it popped out. Cause I hate em. So i had to click the logo to have it opened again and another window pop up again.

But the thing is, WHY? two different windows?? :confused:
As if one pop up isn't enough. :p


First, its TWO windows.. That's irritating, especially the full screen one.
I don't think someone would be dumb enough NOT to click the logo to enter a site, thats just normal practice nowadays.

The full screen DON't serve much of a purpose. I also wanna access my desktop while I wait for a page to load. The full screen window covers my start menu. Usability??.. I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure Deker, Mobile, Axiom or the others in here would agree with me.

I did enter the site. Generally, I don't like entering flash sites .I just browsed around to see any cool flash.
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Apr 16th 2002#42334 Report
Member since: Apr 1st 2002
Posts: 1487
i see where you both are getting at but i dont agree nor disagree with either of you.

i dont mind the windows, but thats just my opinion, maybe its because im on cable and youre using 56k, side?

eh, as for the site, it looks great :D
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Apr 16th 2002#42337 Report
Member since: Apr 15th 2002
Posts: 1130
I admit i agree mostly with sidefx...

I also HATE fullscreen windows, and popups as well...

What about getting rid of the full screen and leaving the small windows there, then if you close the popup you can still click on the logo and open the popup???

It's up to you, but the flash site i REALLY like :D nice!!
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Apr 16th 2002#42343 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I dont realy find the window to be all that annoying because at least you can close its a pretty cool site i think i would add some more stuff to the background so that its not so bland but other then that its pretty cool...
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Apr 16th 2002#42353 Report
Member since: Jan 10th 2002
Posts: 131
lol, this is fun and I really appreciate even "no-no" comments...
I tell you my creative thinking about this site design even though I thought there were more comments on graphics than on HTML popups.
- site was thought to be in flash.
- more than 70% of world desktop resolutions is 800x600 and if u want to have a commercial site u HAVE TO make it with that resolution
- unfortunately that is a hell of alot slow site for modems (but client has cable =))
- the full window popup has been made because I wanted something underneath the MAIN SURFABLE 800x600 WINDOW
- there is another browser window underneath that 1 and I did it on purpose because I believe that the average surfer (which would probaly be none of this forum) after having closed al the windows would still be INSIDE his browser instead of having shut the browser himself and havin' me DAMNED for that!!

- to sidefx: lol@"The full screen DON't serve much of a purpose. I also wanna access my desktop while I wait for a page to load. The full screen window covers my start menu. Usability??.. I don't think so."
I don't want it to be anything personal but if you want to have acces to your desktop u can hit the "windows flag button" + D and everything will drop down showing your desktop.
Otherwise there is what is called "Stat button" to find your programs and even the "Start bar" where u can stick your applications to be opened while loading the page, u can have hitting the "microsoft flag button" or "CTRL+ESc" if u don't have it.
And more than that there is the "ALT+TAB" combo that lets you reach every opened window u have.
And if u have Mac I dunno :( but I'm sure there must be the same shortcuts, just ask around...

- I'm sorry if flash is not too much enhanced but that was my first flash-work :-/

thanx again
(I'm really enjoin' this forum community)
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Apr 16th 2002#42364 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
Well, when I'm on a website/surfing, I don't really use the keyboard unless to type a url (Hardly cause I bookmark)
To do what ever I'm doing now :D

Btw, I don't think anyone mention any disagreement to the res you're designing for. I'm just complaining the pop ups :p

Well, its up to you, its your site anyways

Your flash, its pretty gd considering its your first. And its definately better than mine(I don't have any) cause I don't do flash.

Good to know that you're enjoying this forum, cause its probably the ONLY sane forum around.
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Apr 16th 2002#42382 Report
Member since: Jan 10th 2002
Posts: 131
eheh, i'm into keyboarding as much as possible as a matter of fact I hate programs with same funcions that are not customizable... when surfing I take off everthing and use CTRL+O to digit the url and to maximize the browser area... ;)

I think I understand u hate pop ups... maybe too much PORN SURFING got u sick of that, HUH? :D:D:D
Then tell me what solution u'd (or any1 reading) would have gotten with that 800x600 browsable flash and to have a nice overlooking "design status" above that... what I came out is what u see

Flash is so neat... I'm waiting for the new MX, the prob is that I really suck with programming and the effort I put into it is just a terrible PAIN, but damn it's worth it!!! :mad:
I just like to challenge myself each time with new sh*t... luckily there are forums around where u can really learn alot!!!

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