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Virtual Exile site up 'n' running, one prob tho..

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Apr 2nd 2002#38783 Report
Member since: Feb 7th 2002
Posts: 34
Didn't know were to go so I choosed this section for the question.

Hi all
thx for coming;), I've got my site up now and I can't get it right, the page looks fine and all, but the rollovers don't work.. why? It's so ****ed up? [URL=][link][/URL]

If this might help..
The rollovers were made in PS and later on in imageready and my browser is internet explorer 4, and the rollover img lies in the same map as the rest of the pictures. The site has always worked offline when I've tested it in DW.. Pls, somebody help me. Greatly thx to all who tries to help me solve this!
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Apr 2nd 2002#38787 Report
Member since: Jul 18th 2001
Posts: 102
Sweeet looking site man.. Like the colours and the layout..

the only thing is..

It is SOOOOOOO slow... It took my system about 45 secs to load that page..

Great work though..

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Apr 2nd 2002#38791 Report
Member since: Mar 14th 2002
Posts: 179
damn....lots of slicing and multiple rollovers

btw in changeImages ur callin for 'home_07' - - isn't it supposed to be 'home_07_ver' as in preload script?

anyway I'm not that good with Javascripts...and that strange that it worked offline...

Good luck! Luck with debuggin
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Apr 2nd 2002#38846 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2001
Posts: 183
Can you adopt me, please?
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Apr 2nd 2002#38861 Report
Member since: Feb 7th 2002
Posts: 34
eh?=) sorry, ain't to familiar with english, pls explain what adopt means..? my crappy english grammary didn't know that ~~
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Apr 3rd 2002#38924 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
u gotta optimize that or something
it took super long and i'm on a t3

alright...a DSL

bah cable
but still took a long time
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Apr 3rd 2002#38930 Report
Member since: Mar 23rd 2002
Posts: 51
it also took me along time to load
im on DSL with an enhancement (dl go 1000k/s)
very nice looking site after it loaded
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Apr 3rd 2002#38944 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2001
Posts: 183
Adopt= Make me you son. Put me under your control. Teach me all that you know. That sort of thing. :p
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Apr 3rd 2002#38973 Report
Member since: Mar 14th 2002
Posts: 179
he can't optimize it
those shinies use a lot of colors
more colors = more size
so if he will use less colors, those shiny things will loose the quality VERY MUCH!
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Apr 3rd 2002#39026 Report
Member since: Feb 7th 2002
Posts: 34
didn't quite catch that 'adopt' part. I can't tell if it's irony or what. If you ment it or something then [][mail][/EMAIL] and explain and such. Thx all for replying and Snaf is so right, I tried to optimize it more but the shining and some of the chrome just went to hell..:/ If I optimize it, it will suck:(. Thx all!
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