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JoeyD Graphics

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Apr 2nd 2002#38677 Report
Member since: Dec 4th 2001
Posts: 171

Any suggestions or feedback on the site? I designed the site all today,do you all think it looks clean or professional looking?
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Apr 2nd 2002#38684 Report
Member since: Apr 1st 2002
Posts: 1487
looks awesome. i think it looks both clean and professional. cant really find anything to suggest, lol.

wait, found one thing, , put the background in the iframe on the homepage and also get rid of the 'click here to enter' on the splash page, i think people know what to do there. ;)
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Apr 2nd 2002#38696 Report
Member since: Dec 4th 2001
Posts: 171
Thanks so much! I forgot to change the background to the right link, I had it saved to my computer link..doh! I hate when I do that!

Actually you would be surprised, on my other site I put the same thing up because I have had alot of people ask me how to get into the site. You would be surprised about how many people don't know how to get into a site by clicking on the pic unless it tells them to. One of the people was a previous boss of a Internet site too, he never knew some websites have intro pics to where you click on them to get into the website...=]
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Apr 2nd 2002#38723 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
wow...psychadelic!! .. Nice.

all that I can find to say about;
Put some cool and noticable rollOvers on the buttons,
and style the text-links to another color..they appear to be
navy for me...

That´s it. Very new and fresh styling!
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Apr 2nd 2002#38771 Report
Member since: Mar 5th 2002
Posts: 16
looks good. My only suggestion would be to make some kind of border around your main area because it is a big change from your background pic to solid color. I bet just a one pixel white outline like you have around your portfolio will bring the whole thing together.
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Apr 2nd 2002#38778 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2001
Posts: 183
My only complaint is that when you click a link, it always pops a new window. May be the site, or it may be netscape. Who knows. Anyways, if every section always pops up in a new window, you may want to fix that. Just a suggestion.
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Apr 2nd 2002#38835 Report
Member since: Dec 4th 2001
Posts: 171
New window? Hmm..I haven't heard anyone say that about my site yet..I will test it out in netscape see if I have the same problem.

Also ,Geraldo, I didn't quite understand where you wanted me to put the outline..can you just be a bit more specific?
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Apr 2nd 2002#38836 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
LOOKS like you know what you're doing. LOADS like a castrated work hog. I clicked the image to go to the homepage and I thought the text was all there was on the page. Then, just as I was about to close it, an image in the top left corner started to load. Slowly, one row of pixels at a time, the rest of the page filled the orange nothing around the text. And I'm on one frikkin meg a second cable. When the page had fully loaded I saw skill and talent and a love of orange I had never seen before.

In closing:

Put your best art on your portfolio and optimise your images.
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Apr 2nd 2002#38842 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
yeah i agree with NOA you really need to work on the loading time of the page...just for the sake of people with 56k, its really took a long time to load for if you just optimize the images you should be good...other then that pretty nice site...
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Apr 2nd 2002#38848 Report
Member since: Dec 4th 2001
Posts: 171
Wow thanks for all the help and compliments. I made some of the images smaller, all the images on the site equal up to about 125k, is that still a bit too high? I am sure I can still cut down the file size a bit. I don't know any other methods to make the page load up quicker. Plus it runs off of my friends webspace at and that site gets alot of would the traffic also be why my site doesn't load up as quick?
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