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My Portfolio site

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Mar 22nd 2002#37001 Report
Member since: Jul 5th 2001
Posts: 60
Let me know what you guys think of this site please. I wanted to make it simple and professional. Just to show my work. After looking at some of my work I know I need to get me butt out of playing Quake all the time and back into Photoshop hehe. I still have allot of examples I have to put up on the site but I would like to know what you guys think of the simple layout. Ok let me have it.
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Mar 22nd 2002#37006 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
The return of aqua buttons .. :D

reminds me of the days where i made the aqua tutorial way before AlexDG annouced his ..

Well, some of the colors don't really match, the buttons and and the sockets...

The bottom footer looks like its missing something. Pretty cool though...
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Mar 23rd 2002#37228 Report
Member since: Jul 5th 2001
Posts: 60
well 39 views and 1 reply lol. So I'll take that as my site has nothing really wrong with it but is nothing to write home to Mom about. Well thanks sidefx for youre reply anyway.
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Mar 24th 2002#37230 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
nothing really wrong with it but is nothing to write home to Mom about

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Mar 24th 2002#37261 Report
Member since: Jul 5th 2001
Posts: 60
LOL ok I have to work on that. btw my eyeball is better than yours ;)
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Mar 24th 2002#37273 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
It´s cool, a bit out of date, maybe.. But what would happen if everybody went TrendWhore?

You´re obviousely skilled with PS, but the webDesign hasn´t kept up with trends.. Maybe you actually chose to go that way..

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Mar 24th 2002#37280 Report
Member since: Aug 4th 2001
Posts: 134
I would agree with sidefx that some of the stuff dun match...
i think that the aqua dun really go with the interface while the interface dun match with the background....

maybe change the patterns and colors?

hope it helps
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Mar 24th 2002#37295 Report
Member since: Jul 5th 2001
Posts: 60
Actually yes I did not want to go trendy. My Idea was to make the site simple, just a place to show my work but after looking at the final I agree with you guys that ya it looks nice but it is boreing lol. I really need to do something with that index page.

Im going to play around with a few things. Thanks guys and or gals for your comments they are going to help me. If anybody else has any ideas please let me have them.
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