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Best online RPG ever!!

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Mar 11th 2002#35255 Report
Member since: Feb 21st 2002
Posts: 155
Go to and download the game. It is the best ever.
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Mar 20th 2002#36723 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2002
Posts: 24
hehe this is nice!

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Mar 20th 2002#36743 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
uhm... did anyone else notice that you can't play this game?
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Mar 20th 2002#36744 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2002
Posts: 24
Sure you can!

I'm playing it 24/7 :D

FOllow me progress at
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Mar 21st 2002#36811 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
this is stupid, it's constantly doing it's own thing, where is the skill, and what if i come across some monster that kills my char, i have no control...this is dumb.

it's worse then a mud!
btw references in the game are from
Realms of Despair
which is SMAUG

great fun : )

sadly you can't be canadian hehe
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Mar 21st 2002#36847 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
rofl rofl rofl

you say this is the best online rpg ever...

is that whole "online rpg" derived from the fact
you download it as online content, unzip it,
and some where int he entire thing an
"r" "p" and "g" come up...

cause 2 things

you can't role play
and it's not multiplaying

it's the worst online rpg ever
i could tie a brick, put it on a line
(corny reference to 'online')
and paint "the killing grounds"
on it...that pretty much surpasses the
game graphically...
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Mar 21st 2002#36856 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2002
Posts: 24
Haha I think Dx^2 was ironic when he said it was the best ever

Anyway. If you really want a nice online RPG that aint a MUD look at this place:
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