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PDS v2

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Mar 5th 2002#34626 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
alright, i finally got a host!! Anyway, im starting on a new version of my site. Its in html, and kinda boring, although nice, I've posted it here b4.

besides the absence of a preloader, and no content, how is it so far...colors, layout, design.
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Mar 6th 2002#34638 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
no content
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Mar 6th 2002#34641 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
come on man, please read!! Its a design, I want critique I on it. I specifically said

besides the absence of a preloader, and no content, how is it so far...colors, layout, design.
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Mar 6th 2002#34650 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Damn flash sites! What, isn't html good enough for ya? kids these days.. how do I use my back button, or resize the text, or change its colour and use my custom .css sheet to make my webpage reader work for when I go blind?

And to follow up on Amenranozira's no content comment, no content. I don't want to scroll through those tinsy boxes you have at the bottom there.. Your logo takes up 2/3s of the screen.

Its pretty in a trendy kinda way though.
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Mar 6th 2002#34657 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
LOL, BTW, I have really well thought out way to deliver content. When you click on something, the inspiration(daily changing quote) will fad out, the main box will slide to the left so its half the size, and vertical pane, will come in to deliver content, and im so sorry for the micro text, but i like it, and the big ol logo is gonna be a background pic soon i think. anyone know any good place for quality free fonts?
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Mar 6th 2002#34659 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
you want HTML, go to

alright, how is that. i mean that site takes longer to load than my flash v. and it isn't as pretty.
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Mar 15th 2002#35912 Report
Member since: Mar 14th 2002
Posts: 179
nice...looks more like

Damn the Flash is really growing everyday! Gotta start learning it too just cant imagine those people who don't like it - its the new age for web designs, people look for dynamic content! - wake up!

Good job, Atrus80!
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Mar 15th 2002#35932 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
Damn the Flash is really growing everyday! Gotta start learning it too just cant imagine those people who don't like it - its the new age for web designs, people look for dynamic content! - wake up!

Sorry, I have to comment.

People do not look for dynamic content. They look for content period. It doesn't matter how it is presented as long as it is presented in a professional, user-friendly manner.

Your idea that flash is the new age couldnt be more wrong. No matter how fancy your flash site gets, there will always be those people that click on your link, see a flash and close it immediatly.

The main reason is because most flash sites are generally regurgitations of some other site. 2advanced, etc. The truth of the matter is, some people can't be bothered to learn something about design. "How did he do that without flash" is a question I get from lots of people I have been in design classes with.

In most instances, Flash is a crutch for a poorly designed site. It is a way to distract from the fact that the designer doesnt have anything usefull to say. Kinda like "So I don't have any content on my site, but watch this pretty scrolling bar I spent 30 minutes on by reading a tutorial".

Am I against flash? Nope. I welcome it. Infact, I love it in some instances. However, I hate to see a great design idea ruined because someone couldn't be bothered to put more than the effort of creating some tweens here and there. Learn flash. Make excellent use of it. Don't bastardize design with it because you are too lazy.

You will find advocates of flash and pure code sites. Both have reasons for being on the side of the fence they are on. What you won't find are a wealth of flash "designers" who know html, css and design liek the back of their hands.

Take some tips from Fig and a few others. Don't base a design soley on it's flashiness.
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Mar 15th 2002#35960 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
My thoughts on flash are... Only use it if you are planning on doing something with it that absolutely can not be done using HTML or CSS. Otherwise use HTML and CSS. Your site doesn't really benefit from Flash. There is nothing spectacular enough in the Flash design to merit using it, in my opinion.

For example, here's a site that obviously couldn't be done with HTML/CSS. It's interectivity really adds to the experience of the site, and it utilizes Flash very well to provide that interactivity.

Having little squares of content pop up and basically just a rollover on the nav bar, are not good uses of Flash, in my opinion.
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Mar 15th 2002#35986 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Hmm, i can't see the site...

I think flash is good for experimenting or a personal site, coz you want that to look cool, and not really only for the content.....I'm designing my own site at the moment using flash, and i'm using a lot of content (still not inserted yet) also. I have a portfolio page in there, showing little thumbs popping up. In my opinion, for a personal site, people can look at it and say 'wow, he's good, looks very interesting, contains content and is animated too'.

Sure even the site itself is part of your portfolio, shows you can also animate. It's all about the image, the impression you want embedded in your clients...

If i was making a site for a company, i'd go quickly to HTML just becasue what Ax said, content really is everything, but for image, flash can enhance your prospects...Depends on the site really...
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