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2 Designs

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Mar 2nd 2002#33878 Report
Member since: Nov 23rd 2001
Posts: 17
Here are 2 designs we have made. Tell us what you think.



Thanks for looking.
Geda Online
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Mar 2nd 2002#33892 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690

both awesome color schemes. Both terrific designs. Very well laid out, intuitive design and eye catching visuals.

enough praise...

Why oh why does it have to come up in one of those chromeless windows? I understand why it would need to be in a popup window. It just wouldnt stretch right, plus too much white-space at high resolutions, but chromeless windows alienate your users of opera and netscape. Things just never look the same when you start playing with a window like that.
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Mar 2nd 2002#33915 Report
Member since: Aug 4th 2001
Posts: 134
i like the first design.....good layout...
even before you posted here...i have seen the second design before....the center thingy looks really if the whold page is divided into two...
you did that by tiling some background image..i guess?
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Mar 2nd 2002#33931 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 283
the 2nd one is awesome, i like it a lot better, the color scheme and lighting is awesome!
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Mar 2nd 2002#33932 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 157
I like it very much, both of them

but as the one before me said...why oh why a chromeless window...if it came out i really liked i hate it... =(
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Mar 2nd 2002#33933 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
WOW.....those are some really good designs you have there.....i really like both of them....the colors are great...and the layout is very "use friendly"....and easy to understand where everything is....great work...
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Mar 2nd 2002#33936 Report
Member since: Nov 23rd 2001
Posts: 17
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. We really appreciate that you like them. As for the chromeless windows...well...that what we wanted. hehehehehe Some people like them and some people don't. Maybe we will change it later.
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Mar 2nd 2002#33948 Report
Member since: Feb 3rd 2002
Posts: 80
I love em', except they're kinda' dark.....

Try toning the colour up a notch with a slightly brighter colour maybe? :D

But keep at it...!!
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Mar 5th 2002#34523 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Some phat work there man, that is probly some of the nicest work i have seen in a while. Keep it up dude.
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Mar 5th 2002#34559 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2002
Posts: 24
Both awsome design!

SKip the popup window. better to stay in the same window as splash
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