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Feb 26th 2002#33167 Report
Member since: Oct 17th 2001
Posts: 19
Well last time everyone has really ...well mean, hopfully ill gain a little more nice comments with a simpliar design?

some parts of the site still havnt been converted to the new format but basicly its all there.

Thanks everyone!
~Dustin Al**** of Catalyst
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Feb 26th 2002#33186 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 283
hmm... the layout is fairly good. seems a little empty. Also i don't like the times new romans font. But the toolbar and logo is nice. Nice work overall.
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Feb 26th 2002#33243 Report
Member since: Jun 23rd 2001
Posts: 331
That's pretty good, is it not?

Anyway, I think the wispy font is too hard to read. Try to make it slightly outlined with black so it is thicker, or something.

Ditto, it looks empty.
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Feb 26th 2002#33253 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I agree...i would change the font and then maybe add something else to the page to take up some of that empty a design or something....but overall i think youve done a pretty good job....nice work
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Feb 27th 2002#33356 Report
Member since: Oct 17th 2001
Posts: 19
Hey thanks guys.

Yeah, i do agree as well about the emptyness, i will figure out something for it like a design.

You were talken about the whispy font? For the menu or the intro page? what exactly?

p.s. why does netscape suck so much?! *L* I WANT A ALL-IN-ONE browser's that handles all coding damnit!
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Feb 27th 2002#33359 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
What's with your last name?

~Dustin Al**** of Catalyst

It isn't Dustin Altitmouse is it?
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Feb 27th 2002#33363 Report
Member since: Feb 3rd 2002
Posts: 80
Ick.......I don't know about this one......:o
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Feb 27th 2002#33364 Report
Member since: Oct 17th 2001
Posts: 19
My last name is A.l.c.o.c.k.
they dont like the last 4 letters of my name i guess =o)
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Feb 27th 2002#33367 Report
Member since: Jan 19th 2002
Posts: 800
it might be too late for this, but for that main logo did you try combining the C and the S instead of 2 C's? i think it would look sweet, and less symmetrical which would be good for the look of the site..i dont know, maybe you tried it and it sucks, just an idea.
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Feb 27th 2002#33382 Report
Member since: Oct 17th 2001
Posts: 19
just tired and it and it looks like home-made number 8, really crappy, *L*
but thanks, worth a try, but everyone seems to enjoy the C's and its gonna look great on our CD, we are doing all black on the CD its self but putting the C logo on it and where is theres going to be no print, just the CD reflection, should be awesome....

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