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site check

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Feb 21st 2002#32176 Report
Member since: Jun 8th 2001
Posts: 451
Could you guys check over my site for broken links and grammar errors? Link is
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Feb 21st 2002#32192 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
man that is one clean lookin site. you did a really great job with that color scheme too. very nice ;)
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Feb 21st 2002#32197 Report
Member since: Jun 8th 2001
Posts: 451
Thank you, how about the grammar and broken links? I would also like feed back on any ways I might improve the site.
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Feb 21st 2002#32199 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
heh sorry im tired haha

i didnt notice any broken links, and there was no horrible grammar.

but that could be the need for sleep talking. i think it looks awesome tho
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Feb 21st 2002#32231 Report
Member since: Dec 31st 2001
Posts: 7
Great looking site, I like it.

Couldn't see any grammar errors straight away. Just one mathematical err.... ;)

> ...offering a 20% discount on Infused News. Normal price $200
> and is now slashed down to an amazing price of $180...

That's only a 10% discount, not quite so amazing.
However I'm sure ppl will still be happy to save something.


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Feb 21st 2002#32263 Report
Member since: Jun 23rd 2001
Posts: 331
It looks great, except the text on the left (the images) should have more than about 20% difference in brightness... Make the text a bit darker, perhaps?
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Feb 21st 2002#32308 Report
Member since: Jun 8th 2001
Posts: 451

> ...offering a 20% discount on Infused News. Normal price $200
> and is now slashed down to an amazing price of $180...

Peanut you're the only one of about 60 people that noticed that mistake. Mad props to you man. :-)

It looks great, except the text on the left (the images) should have more than about 20% difference in brightness... Make the text a bit darker, perhaps?

Now that I've the basically every thing done I can go a head and play around with the colors. Thanks vortex
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