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Feb 17th 2002#31540 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
hi people,

i finally found time to work on a new website.
I need your suggestions!
I haven't seen it on 1024 x 768 yet, so i just hope it looks okay... ;)
The site is mainly focused on 800 x 600 resolutions.

here it is

thanks people.
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Feb 17th 2002#31543 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
I like the overall look of it...
and it looks fine at 1024 x 768 as well as 1280 x 1024

my complaints are:

It hugs the top of the browser window to close. (it doesn't center vertical.)

The darker gray gradient abruptly ends at the bottom.
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Feb 17th 2002#31547 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Hmm, i think you can achieve better NL, it lacks some umph.

As torn said, make it in the centre and that the gradient thing blends in more smoothly.

To be honest, i think it's bit dull, i like your html though and your images. Oh and another thing, if you're using popups, then have it so the image is the same size as the pop-up. there's no point making people scroll to see your pic.
Add some more colour!

Keep working on it...
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Feb 18th 2002#31591 Report
Member since: Dec 7th 2001
Posts: 771
It looks pretty decent. Are u planning on making it in Dutch or English?? Why do u have a pic of your old site on their?? (just wondering)
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Feb 18th 2002#31610 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i changed the gradient thingy by adding a table...

does it look better now?
and how would i center it vertically?

click v.1.1

ps: the site is going to be in dutch.
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Feb 18th 2002#31611 Report
Member since: Feb 11th 2002
Posts: 11
vertical alignment:

<.table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%".><.tr.><.td align="center" valign="middle".>put site here<./td.><./tr.><./table.>

you have to remove dots .

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Feb 18th 2002#31612 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
allright, i think i've fixed it.

does it look good now? I'm at my laptop now so i can't see my site at 1024 x 768 resolutions.

vertical aligned
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Feb 18th 2002#31614 Report
Member since: Feb 11th 2002
Posts: 11
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Feb 18th 2002#31621 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
can't tell much since its still in development...

but, that gradient looks funny with the top cut off at 1024x768
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