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Trash it?... or play with it a while longer?

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Feb 12th 2002#30649 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Give me your opinions people...I know its been done 1000 times before... but should I trash it? You decide.

and yeah, the drop down menu looks like Pank's... but I kinda like how PAnk put those tables together.

Oh yeah, happy birthday tooooooooooo MEEEEEEEE!
*end edit*
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Feb 12th 2002#30650 Report
Member since: Dec 13th 2001
Posts: 1008
Hey Torn

Don't trash it just yet.

I really like those drop down menus (even if they do look like panks) the glow behind them on a mouse over is a nice touch. I do think it does need a bit more work though, maybe spend a bit more time on the nav bar down the left hand side and the pipe like things behind it.

I take it you are going to add the "cbutts" logo or title in the headder image, this I think will make it look better also.

Im sure once you've got a bit more on there content etc... it will start to look quite cool.

Anyway i'm sure with your talents torn it's going to look really good in the end. :D


Well I just noticed it was your birthday, have a good 33rd Torn
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Feb 12th 2002#30651 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
it most def has potential, i wouldnt scrap it yet. i think you gse cool stuff going on there with a little more work
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Feb 12th 2002#30656 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
Happy b-day torn

Well I wouldn't trash it. Looks very good. Certainly the left top corner. Only thing I dislike perhaps is that the images look a bit pixelated instead of smooth.

Edit: Happy B-day to you too, qtone. It's his birthday too
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Feb 12th 2002#30657 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
I'm with the others.. Play with its somemore.. Since there's no content yet, can't really see the full outcome. But don't scrap it yet.

Happy birthday to ya... Q tone too...
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Feb 12th 2002#30659 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i like it torn... looks different!

tweak with it.
i don't like the drop down menu all too much.

happy birthday too ya! (and offcourse qtone too)
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Feb 12th 2002#30755 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
I like it Chris!

I think the drop down needs work. Are you trying to do it all with CSS? It looks flat and discontinitous with the headers in the nav. Maybe just add a rounded tail at the bottom--symmetrical with the header (ie. Work, Board) either with or without the glow--see what looks better.

"Happy Birthday tui yooooouuuuu.... " to all ya, but especially Chris because he was first to make a plug for his own birthday!
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Feb 12th 2002#30780 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I agree with all of the posts above....i would keep working with it adding more detail and what not.......but i wouldnt scrap it yet....its got a lot of potential....nice work and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:D
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Feb 13th 2002#30821 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
well, I guess I'll work on it a while longer and see what becomes of it.

Thanks for all the birthday "well, wishes" and the comments on the "site that's never done".
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Feb 17th 2002#31464 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Blah, blah, blah....

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