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Feb 8th 2002#30200 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
A little update on the interface Idea nobody noticed.

Clicketh On Me
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Feb 8th 2002#30203 Report
Member since: Aug 25th 2001
Posts: 1619
Wow! I really like that interface. I like it because it seems so smooth (meaning well blended) and well, smooth. The one part I dislike is the shade of green on the left side, it makes me think of being seasick. But overall and excellent interface. (Woo Hoo! My 100th post! 50 more to go!!!!:D :D :D )
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Feb 8th 2002#30211 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
Thats just the after effect of Matt's cruel sig. Thanks for the self-esteem boost! :D
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Feb 9th 2002#30226 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
concept: good. execution: okay, not quite yet there.

For some reason, it looks rather disorganized and cut-up. The top green area doesn't really sit into the background very well. The way you have the lower partial gray buttons split with the green looks awkward.

I think the text on your navigation should be smaller. I'm on a high resolution, and your buttons look big. On 800 x 600 they would probably scare me.

Version 2.0 is out of place. I think if you spaced GW fully vertically on the side, then had to the right more and the top edge more lined up with the G, that would be better and more comfortable on the eyes.

What if you extended the green banner to the left, put in there, and version 2.0 lower and to the right, but inside the banner still? If the banner is less obtrusive that might work.

By the way, how were you planning on having your scrollbar work? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do mine and I like learning how other people do it.
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Feb 9th 2002#30234 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Better interface NOA, good idea getting rid of the 3rd logo in the box there. Looking very good, maybe make you're info boxed a bit smaller.
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Feb 9th 2002#30235 Report
Member since: Aug 25th 2001
Posts: 1619
okay okay u both made ur point of embarasing me :o
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Feb 9th 2002#30259 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
I abhor small text and navigation, thats just the way I am. Thanks for the tips cablemotion. I'm definitley working on the alignment issue. I am looking at scrollbars right now and I'm getting tired.

BTW, msz070, no need to be embarrased!
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Feb 9th 2002#30278 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
Looks reminds of a cross between windows xp and nvidia's geforce stuff....but it looks the updated version i would really like to see what it looks like when its all up and running....
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Feb 17th 2002#31377 Report
Member since: Jun 23rd 2001
Posts: 331
50 more to go for what, msz070?

Anyway, looks good, gives a pleasant effect... I think the green should be a lot darker and the blue should be very light. Metal probably more even and less shading differences...
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Feb 17th 2002#31405 Report
Member since: Feb 3rd 2002
Posts: 80
Neato, NOA.......keep it up
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