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We launched a brand new site! check pls

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Feb 6th 2002#29774 Report
Member since: Oct 21st 2001
Posts: 4
Hello everybody,

we just finished a portfolio site for Dennis Glorie, fully certificated Mediamonk and full time illustrator.

It can be found at

If you guys could be so kind as to check it out and let me know what you think that would be great. Any comments are greatly appreciated and i'm especially interested in any performance-issues and loading times.

Just a little background info:
seeing as the site is ment to showcase the work we wanted to create something that was classy but didn't detract from the portfolio work.

As a sidenote i'm also posting this because i think his work is great and you don't often get the chance to see such a big collection of work online from somebody that isn't an internet "superstar" .

Thanks in advance,

Graphical Monk
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Feb 6th 2002#29776 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
WOW! i'm loving it, looks classy!

It makes you focus on the designs really good.

Maybe the navigation could be better, but i like it!
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Feb 6th 2002#29782 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
looks pretty phat there dude. Although in your navigation when the optiions are expanded they look like everythign else in the menu, they kinda need to stand out i think. But apart from that everything is phat.
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Feb 6th 2002#29788 Report
Member since: Apr 4th 2001
Posts: 274
Nice, love the music.... but i have to agree with PS6UsEr and NL about the nav.
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Feb 6th 2002#29818 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
Looks great....i like loads fast and everythign in my opinion is awesome....nice work....
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Feb 6th 2002#29823 Report
Member since: Nov 6th 2001
Posts: 240
perfect ... navigation, colors ... just perfect ... and a very impressive portfolio ....
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Feb 7th 2002#29929 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
Originally posted by qtone
perfect ... navigation, colors ... just perfect ... and a very impressive portfolio ....

I agree.
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Feb 7th 2002#29989 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I was disappointed to see that the site does not load in Opera.

But I went ahead and loaded up IE since I liked you guy's corporate site a lot, I figured this one would be good too.

The design of the site is really great and the music is even better. Makes me feel like I'm in an art gallery or something.

The navigation is a little confusing in places though.

For one thing, after the initial splash page, (the page with the guy's face and the other little pictures) I first thought that those icons were the navigation for the site and tried to click on them. I would make those links to different sections in addition to the normal navigation. That or do something to them so they don't look like they are clickable.

I realize part of the atmosphere of the site is to be in black and white and save the color for the actual artwork, which is really great. The only problem with that is that it's hard to make the navigation stand out enough that people will even know there is navigation.

For instance on that first page I mentioned, There is a paragraph of text, and then the navigation is below that. If you are just scanning the page and don't read that paragraph of text, then you may not even realize that the navigation is contained in that box.

Also after you visit a section of the portfolio that link stays black, which is really nice so that you know where you've been, but it's kind of confusing to have the 'mouseover' color also be black. Because of that you can't immediately tell whether the link you're about to click on has been visited or not, because they are the same color.

The little side scroller on the bottom of the 'art window' is not very obvious, and I didn't realize there was more to it for quite a while. I know there is a little pop-up help icon that says "Scroll for more", but because it is also in white it didn't stand out enough to catch my eye until my second visit to the site. If you made it a different color, it should pop out and catch people's eye enough that they realize there is more to the portfolio.

I think the same could be done with the navigation problem I mentioned earlier. You wouldn't really need to use a color there though, maybe just a shade of grey or something.

They are minor things though... Overall the site is really great. Wonderful atmosphere and design. Great to see a portfolio site focus on the actual portfolio rather than making the site itself flashy.
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Feb 7th 2002#29993 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Looks brillaint, i love it. I'd mostly agree with deker and his little remarks, but especially the one about introducing grey, that might add a bit more atmosphere to it.

Also, another thing i noticed was a personal art drawing called 'your mind your choice', you have 'choice' spelled as 'choise'

Great portfolio site, one of the best i've ever seen.
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Feb 8th 2002#30083 Report
Member since: Nov 24th 2001
Posts: 66
What deker said.
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