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first thing i've made (for real) in months....

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Jan 28th 2002#28673 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 319
Not a real web site yet, thought I'd save myself the trouble if everyone says it sucks. Just tell me what ya think please.

The content would go in the box.

I don't really like the little lines in the upper-left corner, but that's the only thing that looked ok. That's all there is to it!

thanks for any comments!

click here
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Jan 28th 2002#28676 Report
Member since: Jan 12th 2002
Posts: 89
Looks pretty nice, but I'm not really diggin that checkerboard thing. Also, I don't think the font of the text on top of the box fits very well. You might also want to switch to another shade of green, I think it's a bit bright, but that's just be my opinion. Other than that, it looks good.
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Jan 28th 2002#28678 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I agree the green is way to bright....maybe choose a different shade or maybe a diffent color.....but it looks like it could be somethign good....
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Jan 29th 2002#28733 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
I'm sorry but I don't like it. First of all that background gives me the heeby jeebies. As well as the checkers, as the fluo green color. The grunge box doesn't fit in ... same with the head ... can't explain it very good but your page doesn't feel as 1 object ... sorry.
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Jan 29th 2002#28734 Report
Member since: Nov 6th 2001
Posts: 240
Originally posted by Catscratch
I'm sorry but I don't like it. First of all that background gives me the heeby jeebies. As well as the checkers, as the fluo green color. The grunge box doesn't fit in ... same with the head ... can't explain it very good but your page doesn't feel as 1 object ... sorry.

I totally agree with the above...
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Jan 30th 2002#28834 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 283
"heeby jeebies", define that, just curious as what it really is.
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Jan 30th 2002#28853 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
Originally posted by virtualdrummer
"heeby jeebies", define that, just curious as what it really is.

The shivers.
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Jan 30th 2002#28910 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 319
thanks guys, the feeling is more than mutual.
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