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How's this?

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Jan 21st 2002#27839 Report
Member since: Jul 31st 2001
Posts: 34
Please take a look at the following for me please...
Good, okay, or just plan bad?

Also, any ideas what I could do with the upper right hand side....

Thanks for your time...
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Jan 22nd 2002#27896 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
looks good what kind of contect is going to be on your page....meaning what is your company about or what does it offer....?
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Jan 22nd 2002#27905 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
Looks very good. Like your palette, I like the topbanner. Good site ! ...

About the upper right corner ... a slogan perhaps ?

- when resizing the top-right dots sometimes don't align properly
- when resizing the left & right column resize but the middle stays fixed ... personal opinion perhaps ...
- again perhaps a personal opinion ... don't like the brown title blocks to be centered in the columns ...

Perhaps it's too soon to test with different browsers but I couldn't resist:

Opera 6:
- Only the middle brown block displays

Netscape Nav. 4.75:
- You get double borders for your columns

Netscape 6:
- first 2 columns are small and the last one is almost half a screen wide (1280x1024)
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Jan 22nd 2002#27912 Report
Member since: Jul 31st 2001
Posts: 34

Thanks for everyone's input.. Now this is where I get lost.. How can I address the issues of the page not looking the same in all browsers? This is perhabs the 5th page I've made. In the past I have trashed everything I've made due to this problem. What's the secert?

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Jan 22nd 2002#27918 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
the secret is knowing HTML and not adding HTML that will only render properly in Internet Explorer or Netscape.
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Jan 22nd 2002#27921 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
You'll get used to it. But never develop for 1 browser specific. IE is a BAD browser when it comes to generating pages ... it accepts mistakes in your code as sweet candy, and generates it mostly good.

What's the secret ? None. Make good use of the standards. You can find a good validater here:
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Jan 22nd 2002#27934 Report
Member since: Jul 31st 2001
Posts: 34
I now see the error of my ways.. Bad IE, Bad, Bad IE..

Just a quick question.

When html'ing.. What resolution should I keep my monitor at?
I'll keep to the standards and test, test, test...

Thanks again for all your help.. All post again once I've finished the rewrite.

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Jan 22nd 2002#27938 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
it doesnt matter what your resolution is

design to fit all sizes that you can. don't alienate people in 800x600, but dont ignore 1024x768 either.
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