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S H A G R A T : E I G H T

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Jan 20th 2002#27619 Report
Member since: Nov 30th 2001
Posts: 11
I redesigned my page and got a domain. What do you think. Is it too simple. Please give me some comments.
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Jan 20th 2002#27622 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
i was about to use that military gate from istock...
nvm... i'll go find another photo...

anyways, nice job on this version like the others...

where's ur site hosted at?
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Jan 20th 2002#27623 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
I like it, oce again, you've created a clean and simple site.

BTW, you spelled 'aiming' as 'aming' in the first line of the site!
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Jan 20th 2002#27636 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
It is nice and simple, but I don't like how you have the navigation. You can't tell where you are going until you mouse-over the links. Then the words are sideways and hard to read.
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Jan 20th 2002#27637 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
I think should comment on the nav too. The symbols at the bottom look very nice, but they should maybe have a link to the rollove on the side which dek was whining about, just so you know what they are. I'd also change the font and font size (to smaller size) for the vertical writing. Maybe have the writing more like this:


It is easier to read in the end and it will save Deker a creak in the neck.
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Jan 20th 2002#27645 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
If you want anyone other than other web designers (clients) to visit a site, then making the navigation easy to understand is quite important.

As for the links in the bottom left, you could at least put some alt text to describe what they are, and maybe label them Links. Pretty much any web designer will know what they are, since they are on almost every trendy web page on the internet, but your prospective client may not, then click one and get lost off on some other site instead of staying at yours and hopefully paying you money.

On the plus side, your page loads extremely fast. I also think it would be cool to load a different image on the left side for each page. You could use the same tint and everything, just a different picture in the same theme. Or you could have it load in randomly from the server.
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Jan 20th 2002#27692 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Nice, but I really prefer shagrat 7 to this one. If I recall correctly it had a beauty splash page and a nice header.
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Jan 21st 2002#27782 Report
Member since: Nov 30th 2001
Posts: 11
My host are

250MB space
15GB transfer
50 POP3 accaunts
2 MySQL Databases
50 FTP Accounts (Users)
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Jan 21st 2002#27787 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
The symbols at the bottom look very nice, but they should maybe have a link to the rollove on the side which dek was whining about

Any person who sees those little symbols at the bottom of a page and has been browsing "design sites" for a good while, will know that they are sufstation, design is kinky, kiori(sp?), australianfront. the last one, dunno what that is. Some japanese zine. but went to their "english" site and the fonts were all hosed up.
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Jan 21st 2002#27789 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
The last one is Shift, D00d. I never go to it though because I think the layout really sucks and I can never find anything or read anything so it's pretty much worthless. It does have some nice splash pages though.
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