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>> beta2.0 release <<*

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Dec 13th 2001#23215 Report
Member since: Oct 4th 2001
Posts: 11
well, beta.2 is up. it's a little different than the demo i had posted awhile back. imma do some tutorials, find more brushes, and deck out the odp over the holidays and finalize the release sometime early jan.2002 i guess.

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Dec 13th 2001#23235 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
That is awsome......i like the spinning metal thing.....thats great....i like the colors, and the menus are pretty user friendly...i would really change a thing...
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Dec 13th 2001#23269 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
That is phat man, and yeah the spining metal thing it awesome. You gota a very nice design there. Loads fast to, which is good. NIce colours.
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Dec 13th 2001#23280 Report
Member since: Oct 4th 2001
Posts: 11
i'm not sure if anyone tried to throw me a shout in the shoutbox but if you did, do it again. I had shouts file location screwed up but it's working now.

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Dec 14th 2001#23324 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
Best site I've seen on this forum.
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Dec 23rd 2001#24554 Report
Member since: Jul 30th 2001
Posts: 21
Right on dude.
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Dec 26th 2001#24854 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
sweet trendy thing - could add some more colors
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Dec 27th 2001#24890 Report
Member since: Jul 8th 2001
Posts: 180
how come you can't enlarge the pics in the gallery??
nice site though, I like it.
might wanna try and create some tutorials and brushes though...seen all the ones from other people that you did link.

keep it up!
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Dec 27th 2001#24916 Report
Member since: May 16th 2001
Posts: 82
I really like the design, but I see a few areas that can be improved.

*The 3 at the top is too grainy, it appears to be a JPG. Use a GIF or PNG image to get a good output with little size.
*Also the text at the top is grainy, ie. cubed, designresource, resources for you, infinity connection
*The right scroller doesn't have a nice 3d effect as teh other one. It would look nice with one.
*The shoutouts don't have enough contrast from each other or the scroll bar
*You have nice borders around everything but your text areas (shoutbox, journal). Try borders around those
*The black at the top may be a hair too big. (that's a big guess)
*Site navigation was a little hard to find. Not sure what you can do about that.
*Sub-pages' space use is horrible. In the gallery, I would use the right side to popup a larger version of the object selected on the right. I didn't really care for what you had on 1/2 of most pages.

Still, it's an awsome site, but I can't let anything be perfect.
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Jan 4th 2002#25829 Report
Member since: Oct 4th 2001
Posts: 11
thanks ts.. little detailed but thanks. the site is designed for a number of purposes, few of which are: lots of content to keep the visitor here and coming back, fantastic tutorial section which i need to start adding my own content (been too busy =\ ), a more personal website - good owner/user communication. I've succeed in doing a few of my goals - one of which is user/owner communication - i've received about 500 unique hits a day and my instant messager new message *ring* comes up about once a minute. so i've also been busy helping and chatting through aim. biiigggg timmmee waster.

i've been adding alot of content and took some of your ideas to the drawing board. I've been wanting to re-css the scrollbars so that might be coming about soon.

lately i've added 'enlarged' gallery items, a number of affiliates, and some other general content editing.

the site is up and quiet active if you haven't seen it lately. drop me a line in the shoutbox!

aim: infinityCUB3D
email: [email][/email]

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