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PaintballXtreme website completed.

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Dec 12th 2001#23174 Report
Member since: Apr 12th 2001
Posts: 245

check out the site and tell me what you think. no changes are needed because i already turned it in for a class grade and got an A- because i didnt use any ordered or definition lists.

she also claims that you have to have a tbody tag in a table, but i think she is retarded.

that is all thank you.


it seems to download really slow, might be me, might be tripod but it loads pretty fast off a floppy so it shouldnt take 3 minutes on a cable modem.
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Dec 12th 2001#23175 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Was making it pop-up full screen part of the requirements? I would have had to mark you off significantly if I was your teacher....

TBody tag? Wha?
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Dec 12th 2001#23180 Report
Member since: Apr 12th 2001
Posts: 245
hehe was the full screen really that annoying :P?


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Dec 12th 2001#23181 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Hm, yes I see that tbody is part of the HTML 4 specs, but it doesn't make any sense. No one uses that. Seems silly to be marked off for something that no one uses. Ah well.

Yes, the full screen is really that annoying.
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Dec 12th 2001#23182 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
This is directly from the official W3C recommendation:

The TBODY start tag is always required except when the table contains only one table body and no table head or foot sections. The TBODY end tag may always be safely omitted.

Basically if you don't include the thead and tfoot tags, then there is no need for the tbody tag. Maybe you could argue that with your teacher and improve your grade up to an A if you want.
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