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Eyeball Designs - FxZone

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Dec 12th 2001#23134 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1452
Warning (for you Flash haters), this link does contain Flash, with followup HTML pages

Anyway, I don't how long this has been up. I quit going to Eyeball a loooong time ago, just because nothing ever changed. Then I saw this, and was very intrigued. Each page has different graphics mixed throughout, so if you have the time, check out all the pages.

The Flash opener, IMO, is great. Nice and smooth, and the graphics are slick as well. The graphics for all the other (html) pages are top notch too.

I like the nav menu for the Depot page.

Even a few new interface and various other tutorials to play around with.
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Dec 12th 2001#23141 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Yah, i got a email out of no were about 2 months ago saying 'look, we updated"

After about a year of NOTHING he finally created the FxZone. And he is actually pretty active on it. Hes already hosted one live Tut on IRC and plans on doing a few more. Checks out the forums and finds spiffy tuts people explain on-board and links to him (although hes lagging in his 'creative minutes' department as he so dubbed that action)

All in all i love the site. I went over there and molested the board as soon as i could.

Anyways, Seems like RY has big plans for the site.
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Dec 12th 2001#23163 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 283
thats pretty awesome, the old version was good too but this improvement is a good one: )
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