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My little Website

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Dec 11th 2001#22996 Report
Member since: Dec 11th 2001
Posts: 2
Here is my website...not as good as the others but getting there...can you guys give me some hints or comments on what i should do to make it better...thnx!

there it is
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Dec 11th 2001#22998 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i love the actual page, colours are really nice and make you feel happy... It's got a professional look.

I don't like the intro though, doesn't fit with the page.
It was surprising to see the actual page, i hoped for a lot less after that intro.

Lose the intro.
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Dec 11th 2001#22999 Report
Member since: Dec 10th 2001
Posts: 18
I agree with *NL* I was pleasantly surprised by the actual page. The flash intro just didn't jive... I'm not a fan of flash intros or splash pages period myself... but the white lettering on that faux metal surface didn't work for me.. and it was too tiny (the lettering). As far as the actual page I like it. The only thing that bothers me a tiny bit is the logo at the top seems a bit washed out.

Mind you my opinion doesn't cary near as much weight as everyone else around here ;o).
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Dec 11th 2001#23000 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
everyones opinion counts...
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Dec 11th 2001#23013 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I'm not a fan of flash intros or splash pages period myself

Hello lostsoul. With that comment, you are now a member of an elite group of people who are shunned for the dislike of flash intros.

Beware little friend. There are many flash advocates who will steal your lunch money because of your opinion. But band together with us and we shall defeat The Cracken and mount his head upon a spear in the town square.

Yeah. The flash intro doesnt fit at all. It provides nothing for the site other than branding. No need for it. Besides. The rest of the page is very smooth. Throw in some content and let's get a good look at her eh.
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Dec 12th 2001#23089 Report
Member since: Dec 11th 2001
Posts: 2
thanx for all your opinions and i too was not soo satisfied with the flash...after trying many different styles i just couldn't get one to match my that will be going out...but im kinda missing something from my site it doesn't seem saucy ..loll...its kinda dull...maybe thats cuz ive been looking at it every day as i work on

thanx everyone

ohh ya...hey "|osTSou|" if you think my logo is kinda washed out...make me one that will look am more than willing to consider them and put them on the site and I will also post who made the logo somewhere on the site...usually on the sides or at the bottom by the copyright

thanx again
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