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Dec 7th 2001#22687 Report
Member since: Dec 7th 2001
Posts: 2
take a look, and give me some comments, please.. :D
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Dec 7th 2001#22695 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367

post the url next time..

looks gd other that the really bright contrast of your site
and why is everyone doing chromeless nowadays??
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Dec 7th 2001#22701 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Caues it trendy? Duh?

*looks at Moblie Blood image" Myfriend yo have some serious issues with technology i believe ;) I love it. A bit overkill on effect i believe, but its a great concept. The way you split that nail makes my rub my own fingernails eww.

I do have to point out the fingernails are allll wrong. First off relize that nails are clear. Yours don't have any sort of translucent feel to them at all. you need to add some texture down there to make it blend more.

Ok back on to the site. Its always nice to have thumbnails of the images, but do you have to make them so DARK? It doesn't give a correct impression of the image at all. Its already hard to see because its dark and on a dark BG, but w/ no colors and it being resized so small it doesn't look as good and thus its not going to promote people to click on it.

hmm. I dunno if i like it. you have all this bright (and too grainy IMHO) interface peices all around, but the rest of the site is just stark black.

Perhaps trying to find a balance there?
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Dec 7th 2001#22714 Report
Member since: Oct 6th 2001
Posts: 96
Not my cup of tea

1. the splash is collection of filters, try to be creative.

2. skip that chromeless window, its annoying.

3. colors are to bright, it realy hurted my eyes.

4. site and splash is not one, 2 different style's

5. your news is just one big piece of letters, but a break between the days to make it easy on the eyes.

G00d Luck
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Dec 7th 2001#22715 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
1. the splash is collection of filters, try to be creative.
Agreed. Nothing wrong with filters, really, its just looks like so many other filter-induced images. Although i don't think its that bad. I've seen worse.

2. skip that chromeless window, its annoying.
Trendy, overused, often not really useful. Right-o. I don't find them annoying anymore than an pop-up windows though. It helps keep a page in a specific size which solves resolution issues. In this case he has a very tight knit page that would look sort of odd in an expanded page IMHO.

3. colors are to bright, it realy hurted my eyes.
Ah yes, couldn't agree with you more here. I believe a blood vessel in my right eye burst or something. Its just so BRIGHT, than its so dark, its too contrasty.

4. site and splash is not one, 2 different style's
Ah and here we come to another real problem. Right off the bat you break any sort of continuity you pages holds. its only really, two pages, visually. The splash and your chromeless window that loads content in with itself. So maybe tying together the pages a bit more would be better. IE atleast making the background black and chaning the hue of the image to be more like your webpage.

5. your news is just one big piece of letters, but a break between the days to make it easy on the eyes.
Yah it would be amazing the different in the readabilty if you add just one lil BR tag between each news comment.

The page is small as it is. Don't make it even more obvious by having all the contest smashed in.
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Dec 8th 2001#22741 Report
Member since: Dec 7th 2001
Posts: 2
thank you for all of your comments.. u guys are really great..
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Dec 8th 2001#22742 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Now, the true test of our helpfulness or now, are you going to change it? and if so how much? I really thing a bigger window would be a good start, some more muted colors than what you currently have would be a good start.

If you do manage to redo/change your site let us know.
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Dec 9th 2001#22882 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
That's pretty good, but the colours are a bit bright.
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