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Xipnet new version!

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Nov 28th 2001#21744 Report
Member since: Mar 26th 2001
Posts: 73
XiPNeT new version

tell me what you think, i put a lot of time into it, give me comments, good and bad...thanks.
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Nov 28th 2001#21752 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1604
Um, if it's already there why have a splash page that says coming soon? Actually, why have a splash page at all for the matter?

I'd wager to say it's too big, I'm at 1152x864 and I can't see the navigation with my browser opened up all the way. Having your nav at the bottom doesn't make much sense, especially when it can't be seen initially. The look of the other pages changes completely for each one, why? I can understand using different colors for each section or certain graphic elements for something, but there needs to be something holding the site together as a cohesive whole. i'd try to limit the pop-up windows too, they get annoying.

Some of the graphic work is really good, has a nice feel to it. Some of it feels a bit thrown together, it doesn't quite work visually. Good start, the pages individually look nice, I just think you need to think about how the site works as a whole a bit more.

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Nov 28th 2001#21753 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 146
I LOVE IT!! very nice with the light coming down to where the text is. i really like it.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fig

I'd wager to say it's too big, I'm at 1152x864 and I can't see the navigation with my browser opened up all the way. Having your nav at the bottom doesn't make much sense, especially when it can't be seen initially.

actually, its a fact that the best place to put your nav is the bottom (not the bottom of the website, but the bottom of the screen itself [i.e. frames:
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Nov 28th 2001#21755 Report
Member since: Mar 26th 2001
Posts: 73
thanks for the opinion, but im not really a professional designer, like you are. the site is mainly just to showcase my work and stuff...i know the sections are all different, that is part laziness, and part trying not to be tredny. trying new things, rather than be the same as every design site out there you of these days im gonna sit down and make a real good, whole, complete site. my problem is, i get about 3/4 the way done, and want to finish it and upload it cause im excited and ****. kinda weird i guess. the splash is like that cause my friend (jeff) is in the process of designing a new splash, and it isnt done, and i didnt like my old splash. all the links are set to the absoulte URL and not just by directory, so without an "index1.shtml" the whole site gets all ****ed up.

but thanks for the comments, im only 16, so hearing advice from older people who have been in the design scene for a while really helps.

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Nov 28th 2001#21770 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
[QUOTE]actually, its a fact that the best place to put your nav is the bottom (not the bottom of the website, but the bottom of the screen itself [i.e. frames:[/QUOTE]

Could you post a link where some research was done to prove this?
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Nov 28th 2001#21771 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
when i came in your site, i was searching all over for the navigation, while waiting for it to load, quite slow actually, don't know if its because i'm on dial-up or cause ur images are too big.

the pop-up windows, try to loose them, most people will close pop-up windows, assuming that they are ads...(thats wat i think)

the ever changing layout makes me feel a little lost, someone may think they're are on another site

you work are good but interface of the site is confusing to me...

also, age don't really matter, its the exposure and experience that counts....

Final_Xero : eyeball design's navigation are at the bottom are good cause they are in frames and you can see them all the time.
as for this site, i had to search for it when i just got in(1024x768)
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Nov 28th 2001#21772 Report
Member since: Nov 23rd 2001
Posts: 5
I think it looks excellent! I love the metal-rust effect..
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Nov 28th 2001#21774 Report
Member since: Mar 26th 2001
Posts: 73
sorry let me correct myself

ive only been into web design for a little over 6 months, and have only been running xipnet for about 3 months.

im relatively new
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Nov 28th 2001#21777 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1604
Glad to help, and I'm glad you didn't take my comments as negative either (that tells me a little something about you right there). I see a lot of potential in your work, I'd like to see you take the time and really put together an entire site that flows with a consistent visual theme. Good luck

As far as the nav, yeah, what sidefx said. I'd love to see any research stating that a bottom nav layout is optimal as well

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Nov 28th 2001#21780 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I said that fig :p
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