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Nov 26th 2001#21578 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
its on and ready to be viewed....

its also on a new server, so it should be faster
so, pass me ur comments

also, some @$$h0l3 told me it looks amateurish... like a kiddy site, does it looks like that??
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Nov 26th 2001#21601 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
hello people?? doesn't anyone wanna say something??
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Nov 26th 2001#21602 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Give people a posted a reply to yourself only 7 hours after you posted it. Many people here are at school or work and cannot get here in the afternoon between 9 and 4.

Oh yeah, and just because somebody told you that it looks like it was made by an amateur does not make that person an ass***e. You obviosly asked for a comment and that's the comment you got. When you ask for criticism, you're not always, in fact, you might rarely hear, good criticism. When you ask for criticism, generally people say what they "don't like" about the site, not what they "do like" about the site. It's not because they're being an ass***e, they are having a rather normal human response to a request of criticism. If you look through the web site showcase, the TRUE comments and criticism you see will NOT be "oooh cool site man" or "that is dope s**t, I wish I could do that". That is not what criticism is about. Do film critics always say that the movie was "Cool", or "Dope", or "PHAT".....NO. Generally the greatest film critics are the ones who really dig into the movie to find what's wrong with it. If they are the ones the like the movie, then that generally means that it's probably a good movie. If they couldn't, with all of their years of criticizing films, find a deep flaw in the movie, it's because the movie is a good movie. The same goes for sites. People think Axiom is an assh***e because he doesn't say " site man" when that's what the 14-year-old kid wants to hear. He, along with many others will speak their mind about what is wrong with the site. If the colors suck....they'll tell you. If the fonts suck....they'll tell you. If the layout sucks....they'll tell you. If your 5MB flash intro sucks,....they'll tell you. You will have to learn to accept criticism FAR better than you have already diplayed that you do. And since I've come back to edit this thing after I saw the last line of your post, I've been typing this big paragraph for quite some time, and I have more productive things to do than to explain about taking criticisim well, and absorbing it rather than complaining because someone expressed how they felt when that's exactly what you wanted them to do.

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Nov 26th 2001#21605 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
sorry i don't know wat time is it there... and
sorry if u didn't know the situation,

i was in irc chatting with school mates
this guy, from irc out of nowhere asked for my site, i gave him the url. he went in and said, "sorry you site is way too dumb and kiddy, so much for a webdesigner" << this pissed me off.. i asked him for his work and he just ignored ...

now, wouldn't u call him an a$$??

its not that i can't take a comment, but his comment bout me being "so much for a webdesigner" pissed me off

how would you like it if someone just took a glance at ur site and say you're a dumb designer??

you can say my site is ugly and stuff, i still won't be pissed as i know, i need to improve myself and come up with something better...

i have never called anyone in here an a$$ for giving me their honest thoughts....rite??
i have a gd track record ever since i started designing way back during and i never took criticism badly...

and i'm asking everyone in here whether my site looks "kiddy and sh*t" ...
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Nov 26th 2001#21611 Report
Member since: Nov 25th 2001
Posts: 7
Wow, sexay design@!!!! No complaints here :D
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Nov 26th 2001#21613 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
:D hahaha....
don't worry, i won't flame you.. i just need honest comments

thanks for liking it..
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Nov 27th 2001#21629 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
i agree with you man, even if you were a terrible designer but you still had your heart in it and someone said straight up "youre wasting your time" or soemthing to that extent i would be upset too -- the problem there is that they dont know enough about hard work or critiquing to give you an intelligent response. when someone bashes your work, of course youll be angry because you put a lot of effort into it, but you just gotta learn to let it roll off your back and ignore the ignorant -- its the only way you'll become successful and great at whatever you put your hands to

and with that said, i like your design -- he probably said it was amatuerish because of all the bold colors, i think if you were to have the colors dimmed a bit and not make every color so strong it would look more professional

but dont worry about it bro, you're good and it really doesnt matter what other people think for YOUR design of YOUR if it was for a client and they said that, then thats a different story...but you know what im shooting for
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Nov 27th 2001#21652 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
The design looks good. Much better now when it's filled.

Don't let other people make you pissed, it's not worth it ... like the kid you described now ... criticism is fine ... as long they say WHY they are bashing you. The only thing I can say about the kid bashing you, is that his IQ isn't bigger then that of a fruitfly.

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Nov 27th 2001#21661 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1604
I had a guy on another board, after I had said i wasn't very impressed with a site he had posted in coolsites, ask if Kairos was my site, because if it was he liked the quote on there from Einstein about imagination but thought it wasn't very appropriate to the site as it showed no imagination whatsoever. With the amount of e-mail and positive comment I get about the site, plus the fact I know what i'm worth, I didn't care about it too much. The simple thing is this: there's always going to be someone who doesn't like your work, and everyone's opinion IS worth something whether you like it or not. If you want to make it doing this professionally you're going to have to learn to deal with that or you're going to get your feelings hurt a whole lot...

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Nov 27th 2001#21663 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
thanks guys.. i appreciate the thoughts...

the colors on the site are actually my favourite..
blue plus orange..
it might be a little too bold as outbreak said, but i'm not catching that professional look for my site yet..

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