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::<: liquid9ine version4 :>::

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Nov 15th 2001#20610 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
I need feedback on my latest design which you can see here:

Please comment on colours images and layout please

Thanks in advance
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Nov 15th 2001#20611 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
okay... here we go.

first of all i don't like the font you've used, use a sans-serif font please! Serif fonts are nice if you're reading long texts, or a book... not in small blocks of text like on your website...

secondly i think the colors aren't really spicey, try something new for a change... blue is just so standard! :rolleyes:

I don't like the fact that on your mainpage you have to scroll to use the scrollbar to see all of your news.
Next time try to make your images 780 pixels wide, not 800!

I can't read the text on your buttons, the text is too small.

That's all the critique i can think of right now...
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Nov 15th 2001#20616 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
Originally posted by *NL*
Next time try to make your images 780 pixels wide, not 800!

thanks for the comment but why do you say that?

im still a newbie web designer so all your comments are useful

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Nov 15th 2001#20617 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
you make them 780 so that they fit inside an 800x600 window.

Scrolling sideways is a BIG no no. There are people who use horizontal scrolling on purpose, and sometimes it can work, but if you aren't doing on purpose, don't do it.

Try turning off anti-aliasing on those button fonts. It would make them a helluva lot easier to read.

Blue is a nice color. And EVERYONE has a blue site now. Find colors that (to borrow a word) pop. Make the Navigation stand out so it's obvious to someone who has never been there before.

Everything blends together because there is no real contrast between elements of the site. the buttons are blue, the graphical images are blue and the background color is blue....TOO MUCH BLUE.

Sans-serif fonts are a must for good web design. serif fonts are difficult to read in this medium.
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Nov 15th 2001#20622 Report
Member since: Oct 6th 2001
Posts: 96
im still a newbie web designer so all your comments are useful

anymore? [/B][/QUOTE]

Keep playing with it, keep testing... everybody who is learning makes a hard fall once in a time.

Not a bad site for a new designer like you, but keep the comments in mind and try to do something with it.

Its all about choises and the main part is that you like it.

good luck.
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Nov 16th 2001#20649 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
The graphics are nice, but I also hate Times New Roman. Use Tahoma or Verdana, or something like it.

Oh and by the way, what happened to :(
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Nov 16th 2001#20714 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
this site is just not winning me over. when i look at it, i can't help but think that this person has no ideas. they are just playing around in photoshop, trying to make a website. i think you need to come up with an idea, a feeling, an emotion, a metaphor. i don't think playing with fonts, shapes , and filters is going to do that.

*Note to everyone: I know that it is possible to make a wonderful site with just fonts, shapes, and filters. in this particular case, it's not working.*
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Nov 16th 2001#20722 Report
Member since: Nov 6th 2001
Posts: 16
Not a bad start.

I don't like the font. The pixelated font thing can work, but it's a tricky thing to make it work well.

And I too don't really *feel* it. It sounds sorta new age, touchy feeley, but you need to put a little more emotion into it, it's got no soul.

Also, I am a huge proponent of simplicity, and in my opinion there is just too much going on here, for an opening page.

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Nov 16th 2001#20724 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
thanks for all the comments

im still learning about all these things, it looks like it has no "emotion" because i didn't really have an idea as to what the new,recent work etc headers were going to look like, i just starting making them in photoshop but the rest had been planned out before i started making it.
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Nov 16th 2001#20736 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Trim the header down so you dont have to scroll sideways. I think the header is ok, just some of the type used in it is a bit blurry. And your navigation again is ok you just need to used a clear font becuase unless you have a reasoble idea for about what is going to be there, people who have come wont know where to go.
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