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Nov 12th 2001#20340 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Hey guys and gals,
Just got the content up. Would ya check it for bugs and give me a few comments on it?
I don't have this months models pages up yet because I'm WAY behind, but I'm working on them.

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Nov 12th 2001#20341 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Torn... Come on man. Don't post a site about hot girls, when the link to the hot girls doesn't work!

I give your site an F because of this MAJOR omission.

But seriously....

It certainly looks hot. Don't really have any suggestions.
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Nov 12th 2001#20342 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237

I'm working on it now! LOL!

::edit:: Ohhh but you can follow the "jello girls" link and see a flock of them.
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Nov 12th 2001#20354 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970

The spelling police will be all over your @$$!

Jo Dee would prolly like it better if you spelled her name correctly (Messina) and in your News window, in the entry for 7-31-2001, you misspelled the word misspell. ROFLMAO :p

The Jello Room link below the pic in the middle column doesn't work like the "more->" link in the paragraph in the left column. Oops, hold the phone. I're linking the thumbs in the middle to the paragraph teasers on the left which link via "more->" to the story with the photos.... The above dissertation leads me to the conclusion that I found the navigation a little confusing. My opinion is that I'd like to just go to the full feature via the center thumbs OR the teasers. I understand your thinking now, but I think it's redundant.

Your "more->" link for the November model contest is dead. And like Deker, I'm going to boycott the site until you fix this gross error!!!! ::mad::

Otherwise, I LIKE! Well done! Visually it all works very well. And your color scheme is grey and red, just so tui!
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Nov 12th 2001#20372 Report
Member since: Nov 6th 2001
Posts: 16
Malibu, I agree that spelling is of paramount importance, but , 'prolly'?

Please don't use this dastardly bastardization of the word 'Probably'.

I understand writing words the way they are said, ex. "I dunno", but people don't even say 'prolly' do they? Wouldn't the written derivation of 'probably' be 'probly'? People actually say 'probly'.

Anyway,Tornupinside, the site looks great.

(Malibu, I kid therefore I am, so don't take me seriously).

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Nov 12th 2001#20390 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970

(^No, that wasn't a mispelling--it was a Freudian slip)

If you were truly a student of the pandemic and regional use of dialects, or rather the rampant attenuation of verbage as it relates to internet forum intercourse; I would think you would be familiar with the elongated variant of the foreshortened form of the word probably, id est, prolly; common in many of the internet tribes rooted in the deep south. Seein' how Torn is a denizen of `Bama, I felt it apropos to try and establish rapport with him and make him feel more comfortable by using the variation he would be most likely to diagnosticate with; hence prolly.

(With a nick like Killmore_Trout, why would I take you seriously? hehehe :rolleyes: )


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Nov 13th 2001#20391 Report
Member since: Nov 6th 2001
Posts: 16
Touché my friend, touché.

(Hidden meaning: The only word Kilgore could understand was 'intercourse', and his "understanding" was obviously not contextual).

Kilgore Trout
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Nov 13th 2001#20400 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
*Laffin'* you guys are tooooo funny.

I tell ya Dan, I ain't sure my Lil' alabama brain can handle your last post. :D.... its getting to the point where I'm gonna have to start deleting things in my brain so I can store and understand new stuff.

but you are right.... folks around here actually say "prolly" ;)

About misspellings: I am notorious for swapping "a" and "e" and if memory serves, that 7-31 post was made at like 3 a.m. so you'll have to forgive me....
I will fix the Messina thing... thanks for the heads up

and one more thing..... NO INTERCOURSE!
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Nov 15th 2001#20598 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
I have "rough" model pages up....

"done it fer youuuuuu, deker..... done it fer yoooouuuu.

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Nov 15th 2001#20600 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Thanks torn. I feel better.

Cortni is my favorite.

You can tell her I said that.
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