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the most annoying navigation ever

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Nov 6th 2001#19852 Report
Member since: Oct 20th 2001
Posts: 24
hahahahahha i try to click on sh!t and it moves to the left and right..hehe......gj ;)
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Nov 6th 2001#19854 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Yeah, me too....
I can't catch the darned thing to click on anything.
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Nov 6th 2001#19897 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
hmm, that's a sensitive topic. I used to love flash, then hate it, and now i love it. The way i see it is that no programs can be compared, they're individual and different in most ways. I think that for webpages, Flash and DHTML are the future. Webpages need interactivity to exist really or else they're just very boring. For graphics, of course you have Photoshop and Corel etc but they are for a totally differrent thing altogether. Flash is, and i really think that it shouldn't be used widely for graphics. You should make your graphics in photoshop, import them and use them in Flash, why the hell not if you are a master at importing without losing quality? By doing this, you can make you static pic interactive and attract more people. I smell an anti-flash thing on this board, and it smells bad. This may be coming from jealousy, like Dek said but why fear or hate the program when you can use it to make even better webpages? I don't know but the only way to compare programs such as flash v photoshop would be to examen their qualities. Flash actionscripting has no limit but the art side of things, with it's vector graphics does i suppose (unless you import). Photoshop excels at image making which can have depth and feel to it and in that sense, is never-ending. I like both programs equally.

PS, all that guy has to do to make his sight better is up the frame rate, it would look a lot smoother!
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Nov 6th 2001#19903 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I didn't say anything about anyone being jealous.

And it's not just this board that has a negative view of Flash. Anyone at all concerned with usability and accessibility for web sites has problems with it. I don't hate Flash. I just don't think it is used to a good effect most of the time. I've seen some great Flash sites. And also some great HTML sites. Basically I like Flash if it is used to do something that HTML can't. That's when I think it is good.

As for usability, this site has some great tips for Flash usability that everyone should read.

I don't think anyone was trying to compare Flash and Photoshop. They are completely different. And work well together as well. No one has a problem with Flash as a technology, because it's great. Our problem is with how it is generally used.
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Nov 7th 2001#19929 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
My point was that overall, Flash can do a lot more than html can in areas, and is in a league of it's own. I know exactly what you mean by the usability, don't you just hate it when you see a fancy flash menu system which looks a lot worse than a simply html rollover? It's way overused, i know but the sites that come up on these forums are always or usually good Flash, i even think the site that this room is about is very good, sort of annoying, but not that bad really. Some just have desperate 'looks at me, i know flash and i'll pretend i'm Joe Bloggs that rules the flash world' views and then create something very unoriginal. If you're a learner, it's fine but for a web designer, it's bad. Flash now has the power to control movies outside of the actual movie using Javascript or XML. This just shows that Flash 6 will really have all the works. Perhaps even a webpage builder or something will be next, God knows. Or maybe not, maybe html will always rule, obviously it's being taken over by Pearl and all that stuff i haven't a clue about but you get the idea. Flash is good when needed to impress or entertain the user, which nowadays is really expected from every web user who will base their knowledge on whether or not a site is good enough just by interactivity, which is probably half the world! People want to see things moving around to make them go 'aww' or 'ooh, i'm definitely going back here' which is really a pity because the sense of web design ie, the way the pages are layed out etc is being diminished by the (html)(body)(embed src='flash.swf')(/html)

Sad really, or is it?

PS, i misread your message you posted earlier on Deker
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Nov 7th 2001#19935 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
flash vs html
of course you can do a lot more in flash than you can in html! html itself was not created for designers to go crazy with. we should be extremely impressed with what we can accomplish with such a limited language.

flash vs photoshop
don't waste your time comparing the two. there's no point. its like comparing apples and potatoes. on a related note, flash is best at creating fast loading, vector based animations. i think importing big ass raster graphics kind of goes against that.

content drives the web not flashiness. think about where we spend the most time on the web. make a list of the sites you visit several times a week. don't underestimate the user (or future users). internet enabled phones and handheld devices are a great example of pure content delivered through text.

as someone who reviews a lot of designer sites and portfolios (big time and small time) i see amateurs as well as professionals using flash poorly. i can also say that seeing some complex html and javascript used to create engaging interactivity is 100% more impressive than mediocre flash interactivity. the fact is that most flash out there is either mediocre or just plain bad.

the shocking conclusion
flash is important to designers. content is important to users. i could write it on toilet paper, tape it to a brick and throw it through your bedroom window. it would still be just as valuable as if it was delivered through a cutting edge flash site.
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Nov 7th 2001#19938 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Damn, Charm... you sat down and thought that out!

Nicely said too, now go comment on my post like you said you would.
Cause I wanna know what YOU think.
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Nov 7th 2001#19975 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 283
true that.
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Nov 8th 2001#20029 Report
Member since: Apr 25th 2001
Posts: 33
Flash is a bitch. Point blank.
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Nov 8th 2001#20061 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Why? Because you can't use it?
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