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Site design for a friend

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Nov 3rd 2001#19695 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 796
On of my friends is a very enthousiastic player of a game called Urban Terror, a Quake 3 mod. So he wanned to make a site to organize clan wars, for the clan he's in etc. etc.

Silly me said yes, and after a short inspiration break I came up with this. Clean design, the average ultra fast loading gaming site, where content comes before layout. I didn't want to put too much time in it either.

I'm not sure about the title font and look, but me and typo, oj oj!

Here is the link. (48k)
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Nov 3rd 2001#19696 Report
Member since: Nov 3rd 2001
Posts: 4
Nice and simple, also love the colours......nice job
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