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Version 2

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Oct 19th 2001#18856 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Version 2 of Project Layer Effects is here : North Designs.
Visit it at: and give me some tips and comments. And please give me a tips on how to create a good menu. Not too many effects, but still cool AND readable...

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Oct 19th 2001#18860 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
Funky, nice work!!
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Oct 20th 2001#18882 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019

but I can't quite read the nav...
it is identifiable, but after i stare at it for

maybe u should get rid of the doubling...or it looks like that.

the splash doesn't
quite do much for me...
i don't mean animation or fancy
effects on mouseovers:
it's just there. and the font in the bg
ruins the zoom-ish effect.

I don't quite lie the border you put around that either,
but i suppose that was a forwarning that there
was a chromeless window coming up.

over all, i don't think the fonts match. the north designs
on the splash and on the main page don't match with the
other "header" fonts you used.

the face in the top kinda doesn't fit either, and the text
on the bottom of the screen should be moved up or something
so that the web-surfer doesn't need to scroll down
just to see some blurred font.

the general color scheme doesn't quite match,
dark blue's and dark greens, blacks...

well the colors are alright i suppose.

i think it's alot better then the old one tho
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Oct 20th 2001#18898 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Yeah, I know the menu is not so very good, but when I make somthing better I'll set it up.

The reason why I used the border around the image on the splash, is because if I didn't it would not lok so nice, cause there would be a difference between the image and the background, if you understand what I mean.

I know the fonts don't quite match, but in the logo, I didn't use a font, i drawed it (!).

And about the copyright image at the bottom, I'm trying to get it higher, but it is not so easy with all the tables I've got to make the scroll-area work...

Thanks for your review, do you have an advise of how I can make a clean menu, that fits in, but still is pretty cool?
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Oct 20th 2001#18915 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
well instead
of that huge "window" border
on the splash you could've just done a black border or something... but either way the chromeless blends in w/ the
background, and i still dont' know why u need a chromeless...

and about the "hand writteN" font...
either way, it still doesn't match
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Oct 27th 2001#19279 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
wow, now I'm making much graphics! I have made a new design, AGAIN! :D
Ok, It isn't really so new, I made the design maybe half a year ago, but I just found it again, and updated it again.
I know it is not so very user-friendly really, but it's cool, heh?

Can someone tell me how I can make that little metal-thing that is under the text, go over it? I have seen people do it, but how?

(And I haven't removed the chromeless windows, but now you can choose if you want to use them!)
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Oct 27th 2001#19286 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 796
I don't really like the brushed metal effect on it, but the design of the interface is pretty good. Also your jpeg quality is way to low, don't be afraid to up it. I mostly use gifs (i like clean design a lot), but when I use jpeg I set quality from 65-80.
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Oct 27th 2001#19287 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 796
ow yea, btw don't put the entire nav and use an image map, cut it up in Image Ready or Photoshop, this way your site loads a lot faster.
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Oct 27th 2001#19292 Report
Member since: Oct 23rd 2001
Posts: 20
Looks very nice.
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Oct 27th 2001#19298 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Thanks for all comments so far.
This is the design I have used most time on ever, so it should at least be OK....
I'll give you a tip: Load the design, then go about 1-2 meters away from the monitor, and look. Looks good, huh? =)
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