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Fun with Photoshop...

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Oct 8th 2001#18145 Report
Member since: Oct 8th 2001
Posts: 7
I just updated my website with all new graphics and layout.
Take a look and provide feedback:
Tools used: Photoshop 6 w/ Image Ready 3, KPT 6, Dreamweaver 4, Swish 2

Peace and God Bless America!
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Oct 8th 2001#18154 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 51
well, so far it hasn't loaded... doodooodoooooo.............


well, it looks, um, wierd...
*with a closer look*


how do you make the shadows over the text?? an alpha'ed circle gradient thing thrown over top?
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Oct 8th 2001#18156 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
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Oct 8th 2001#18171 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Nice stuff man. Looks prettyy good. the graphics are clean. NICe colours used and nice site you have you there.
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Oct 9th 2001#18184 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Harshness follows:

IceWebDesign - But you use 'Yellow' ... why? Shouldn't it be blue.

The Flash Movies - A monkey could do those... you used Swish... come on man, they're all the same more or less.

The front page graphic - Too many slices. Also, some slices needn't be there. They are blank.

Please, learn HTML dude, your site will probably load faster.

Oh yea, and i hate Times New Roman
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Oct 9th 2001#18209 Report
Member since: Oct 8th 2001
Posts: 7
Originally posted by woodss
Harshness follows:

IceWebDesign - But you use 'Yellow' ... why? Shouldn't it be blue.

The Flash Movies - A monkey could do those... you used Swish... come on man, they're all the same more or less.

The front page graphic - Too many slices. Also, some slices needn't be there. They are blank.

Please, learn HTML dude, your site will probably load faster.

Oh yea, and i hate Times New Roman

Harshness returned:
Only a complete idiot would criticize work well done regardless of tools used.
Second, who the heck are you?
Are you a professional web designer?
I think not!
What have you designed lately?
Nothing I bet!
People who tend to be completely negative are normally insecure about themselves.
I think you need to go in a corner and suck your thumb!
Oh yeah, i hate stupidity!
Peace, I'm out
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Oct 9th 2001#18213 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60

Firstly, I am a professional web designer, having worked until recently as a designer and web application developer with VeriSign (, I am also starting work on Monday as web application developer for a leading cellphone company in the UK.

Secondly, is my latest, check my resume.

Thirdly, you ask for criticism, thats what you get... all your Flash movies were more-or-less the same... thats what I said.

You could have done a much better job if you had actually sat down and used some imagination.. anyone can use Swish.. but can you use Flash? You could have had animated sprites, interactivity etc etc .. but you used lame text effects that everyone has seen before, and expect everyone to love them. Hey if you don't get criticised, how are you supposed to learn? Getting all defensive isn't going to help. I am not saying you haven't got potential, but I feel you need to develop your branding skills a little more, and think about what your site is promoting... I could have used those intro's on any site.. I looked at one for a music site, and what did I see? Text. No music, no animation, no nothing, suggesting what the site is about. You could have done a lot better on them if you had sat down and worked it all out; what are you promoting, what is the site about, how can you make it stick in peoples minds.

And also, you hate stupidity... thats fine, but hey.. don't assume, before you check things out, and don't be so damn defensive.

Noone becomes pro overnight, hell I'm lecturing you here, but there's hundreds of people in here, better able to do so than me.. I'm only trying to help you out, not slag your work.

Just next time, think about it more.. you have potential, obviously... your graphics on your website are very clean and well executed, but you haven't 'branded' the site if you understand what I mean.. that was why I said "Why yellow for 'Ice webdesign'" ? Ice = White / Blue ... why yellow?

Peace man, I don't want a flame war, and it wasn't my intention to offend.. and hey, it's 8:33am .. and I been up all night
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Oct 9th 2001#18214 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I know why the ice is yellow *griiiiiiiiiin*

Sorry, I had to go.

forgot something

I agree wholeheartedly with my friend above.

I think he is qualified to tell you his opinion on it. Then again, you are asking a forum that is over flowing with "newbies" for opinions. Im guessing you may have expected some praise.

You got some. Then you got the opinion of a designer who is in the field. I see the pankmetal tutorial in your logo, so where is the originality? I mean, if you just follow tutorials, or use a program that does all the work for you, where is your creativity. The colors go well together, I can say that. But yeah, "Ice" is blue and white. So why pick a yellow hue? Perhaps little johhny really had to go? Anyway, I digress.

You show signs of having some talent. Put the talent to work.
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Oct 9th 2001#18215 Report
Member since: Oct 8th 2001
Posts: 7
Originally posted by woodss

Firstly, I am a professional web designer, having worked until recently as a designer and web application developer with VeriSign (, I am also starting work on Monday as web application developer for a leading cellphone company in the UK.

Secondly, is my latest, check my resume.

Thirdly, you ask for criticism, thats what you get... all your Flash movies were more-or-less the same... thats what I said.

You could have done a much better job if you had actually sat down and used some imagination.. anyone can use Swish.. but can you use Flash? You could have had animated sprites, interactivity etc etc .. but you used lame text effects that everyone has seen before, and expect everyone to love them. Hey if you don't get criticised, how are you supposed to learn? Getting all defensive isn't going to help. I am not saying you haven't got potential, but I feel you need to develop your branding skills a little more, and think about what your site is promoting... I could have used those intro's on any site.. I looked at one for a music site, and what did I see? Text. No music, no animation, no nothing, suggesting what the site is about. You could have done a lot better on them if you had sat down and worked it all out; what are you promoting, what is the site about, how can you make it stick in peoples minds.

And also, you hate stupidity... thats fine, but hey.. don't assume, before you check things out, and don't be so damn defensive.

Noone becomes pro overnight, hell I'm lecturing you here, but there's hundreds of people in here, better able to do so than me.. I'm only trying to help you out, not slag your work.

Just next time, think about it more.. you have potential, obviously... your graphics on your website are very clean and well executed, but you haven't 'branded' the site if you understand what I mean.. that was why I said "Why yellow for 'Ice webdesign'" ? Ice = White / Blue ... why yellow?

Peace man, I don't want a flame war, and it wasn't my intention to offend.. and hey, it's 8:33am .. and I been up all night

Ok, I respect your opinion, but don't say stupid things like "a monkey can do that", that's not acceptable criticism, that's flat out wrong.
If you don't like Swish that's your problem.
And "ICE" is a nickname, it has nothing to do with actual ICE, so color doesn't matter.
As a matter of fact I did check your site (the one mentioned above), and I would suggest that you increase the size of your text, do you expect visitors to have magnifying glasses to view the text?
Also I could care less who you have worked for, I have met many professional web developers who have degrees, that are good at writing code by hand, programming scripts, but are horrible when it comes to clean, crisp graphic design.
And I've met many people such as myself who are self-taught and have more graphic design skills than those who consider themselves professionals.
I only do graphic design in my spare time, that's why I do things for free, my career field is Cisco Networking.
Anyway, peace and God bless America!
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Oct 9th 2001#18216 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Okay first off... I am from the UK.

Second, I too am self-taught.. I do not have formal qualifications, I learnt everything by using my head and putting it to good use.

Thirdly, this means that my employment and professional stance is based upon merit only... if I wasn't any good I wouldn't have been employed. I consider myself a professional, because I was handpicked to join a professional team, some those people with many years in the creative design industry, not just new media.

and fourthly, I respect you completely... you have talent, indeed for a Cisco Engineer, you do have good graphic design skills hehe In fact, as an allrounder you seem to have a great future, no matter which way you turn.

I agree, I was a bit harsh, I accept that... but when I saw your graphics, then I saw your flash.. I was disappointed.. it simply wasn't on the same level... if you can transfer your graphic skills to your flash then great.. you will be top grade, I guarantee, and I mean that sincerely.

Fifthly (lol) ... my site has small text .. I like small text, and it's my personal site, so I guess I can do what I like.. I'm only selling myself and small text is 'me' I guess hehe. You do have a point though, so perhaps I will allow a dynamic selection of text size. So there you go, I've taken your advice on board, I hope you take some of mine too! It's not meant to bring you down, but sometimes people need a kick up the arse! I'm in no position to tell you your work is crap (check out a forum I was in a few days ago before I revamped my site.. I had a ****ty design), but hey that's cool.. we're all learning here, pro or newbie... but newbie's will turn pro, and the pro will stay pro (or maybe not!) .. thats what it's all about man, learning, taking flak and kissing ass on occasion (just ask deker ;) )

Good luck to you... oh by the way, 'Ice' ... I know you say it's just a name, but when people see 'Ice' they do think of the cold stuff!!

Peace man. And if you want help, just ask.. hey I'm not a badass mutha here Mebbe you can teach me about networking my home LAN efficiently?

See you around.... and good luck!
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