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deker! this ones for you! hehe Update

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Oct 6th 2001#17955 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Okay, I sat tonight, and I played, and I fiddled, and I just can't seem to come up with anything any more... this is what I managed, what do you think so far?

It's only the front page as it stands...

top right, will be a list of all my projects (small buttons), and the right hand side of the 'content' area, will be links related to that area, so for example, in my 'resume' area, there will be small hotlinks for 'download in DOC, PDF, ZIP format' yadada.

Oh, and be nice this time.. LoL ;) It's 5am man!
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Oct 6th 2001#17961 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
The return of the pixel pooch! Hooray!

That is approximately 49 times better than your last design, in my opinion. It's a lot more interesting to look at.

I think the way it is divided into four sections is really interesting, and it looks like your navigation will be intuitive. The color is good, and something I haven't seen much of. Perhaps you could make each panel of the design a different color though? I don't know. Just a suggestion. I like the colors you've got going on now though.

That pixel dog is just begging to be animated! I was hoping he would wag his tail or something when I moused over the navigation links.

I almost think the 's3kreations' and 'welcome' boxes are out of place though. Reason being: you have a very square layout going with your four panel design, and having those rounded corner rectangles in there seems a little too different. You know what I mean? The main part of the design seems so square, then there are rounded corners thrown in there. I don't know. Maybe that makes it more interesting. My eyes are really tired as well.

Anyway, I think it's a big improvement over your last one!
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Oct 6th 2001#17962 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Hey Deker..

7am and I'm still not asleep!

Yep, the dawg... i will animate it, you're right.. it HAS to be.. but I was too tired / couldn't be bothered.. probably do it sometime when I've got some content on the site.

Comment about the circular edges, hmm.. not sure how to react, on the one hand, I can see your point, but the car is rounded as well, which I thought balanced it.. I'll probably have a look at it when I've had a sleep (things normally appear that you couldn't see beforehand ;) ) ...

Hehe ... 49 times better? LoL .. now there's a random number! I'll take it as a compliment, and I'm inclined to agree.. don't ask me what happened the other day heh.. hey. everyone's entitled to a screw up!

Thanks for your comment, I look forward to further correspondence.

Steven Woods
Web Application Developer
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Oct 6th 2001#17963 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970

I'm gonna follow in line with dek. I like this mucho better. I don't have any constructive criticisms.... just one suggestion. I like the poochy too, have him make an appearance someplace different on every page! Or not!
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Oct 6th 2001#17966 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
oh man this really sucks - ugliest
just joking

it is really nice - i like it a lot and it is a good work. keep on this great work
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Oct 9th 2001#18270 Report
Member since: Oct 9th 2001
Posts: 17
Wow thats good, A-
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Oct 9th 2001#18272 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Reviewer, please read your private messages.
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