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Hey again guys :D Updated a wee bit

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Oct 1st 2001#17594 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Just updated my site a bit ... it's far from finished, but comments so far?

Thanks ...

(A few of you will probably have seen it already, but it's changed slightly since last time)
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Oct 1st 2001#17604 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
hmm, not a lot of content there. The layout is neat, but i'd make the place that you write your messages in a lot better. Try and create your own image inside the text box and fade it or something, i don't know, it just looks very generic. The graphic at the top is nice. I'm not so sure about that purple though against the black background, doesn't work for me.
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Oct 1st 2001#17609 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I still like your old green one the best. This one is boring. The main graphic is so big you have to scroll to read anything.. the navigation is barely noticeable. The whole thing is dark and kind of bland.

Bring back the green thing and the pixel people!!!
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Oct 1st 2001#17615 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Miserable gits!!

I just got bored with the old one, and my eyes got sore too... ah well, they say it's a long learning process.. back to the drawing board..

I'm not bitter..:mad:

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Oct 1st 2001#17630 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
oh come on now, we don't want any hardship. Hey, a website is one of the best ways to express news, your feeling, anything out to the public. What you do with a webpage is entirely up to you and if you like your site, keep your site, i actually think it's very good, just a few minor things. Were here are used to being over-critical about things to push ppl to their limits to be even better designers and we don't have any right to say if it's good or not, just IN OUR OPINION whether we like it or not. Keep at it, and ignore us if you want/can!
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Oct 1st 2001#17631 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
heheh ... it's not really 'me' anyway, in that sense.. I started it at 2am, and finished it at 6am, all in... including the database and statistics scripts etc hehehe

Nothing wrong with fiddling around It's all just practice, and it all goes in the 'file'


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Oct 2nd 2001#17668 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Don't apologize, Cybling. He's a grown man (a british one at that), he can take the heat. I'm not sorry for what I said. And it does matter what I think!!!

*hugs to Steve*
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Oct 2nd 2001#17673 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
I'll post a comment for further discussion, not necessarily a critique:

I'd challenge you choice for using a MS Word format for your resume. You're applying (potentially) for a web design position. Web and graphic artists are notoriously Mac racists... why not use a PDF version of your resume. It's not platform dependant, it accomplishes the transfer of information to either a printed or screen viewable format.

Anyone else wanna weigh in?
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Oct 2nd 2001#17688 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 671
Maybe the contents would go better not included in a table like that. Why not add the contents just beneath the logo. Would look clean and nice.
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Oct 2nd 2001#17695 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Yeah, good idea. I would use Acrobat too. I have a mac myself, but almost every PC has Acrobat. Plus you can add graphics and a lot easier and the layout achieved would most definitely be better on Acrobat, through working in Illustrator and/or Photoshop. Looks a lot more professional too!
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