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Sep 27th 2001#17329 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Hey guys, can you please view my page, and give me some comments??
I accept everything, just don't write only ****!

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Sep 27th 2001#17331 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
Hi thomlie,

you should work on the navigation of your site! I didn't knew where to click. And also try to make a better colorscheme.

At this point your page seems chaotic, i think you used too much colors. But nothing that can't be fixed...
keep up the good work, just change a few things.
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Sep 27th 2001#17334 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 157
I like it only some points

-at the startpage don't use black as font, I should use white to enter

also make a link of the picture so when u click on it you enter the site

2nd thing is once u enter the page the project, layer and effects on the top image seem like a navigation but it isn't =/ you should change it cuz I tought that I could click on it...
looks nice for the rest!!

keep up the good work!
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Sep 27th 2001#17337 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Ok, I know it looks kinda messy, but some of the reasons is that the windows size is 640x480pix, and the reason why it is that is:
- It should work out in low resolutions too!
- I made the frame-pics in 640x480 first, because I didn't think of how it would look....

but I have changed the text on the frontpage to white, and I've made a link on the image.

Continue giving me tips, please!!
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Sep 27th 2001#17338 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
NL, it should NOT be so hard to find the's written MENU on it =) But I'm gonna write it on the news, so everyone get it!
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Sep 27th 2001#17340 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
New update
I have made the logo more blue, so it fits better with the blue-coloured site...

Keep sending comments guys!
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Sep 28th 2001#17388 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
u sure did get alot of stuff from guistuff,
i don't like how it pops up when u click the splash page,
but i guess it has to be so.

i think the lightningis out of place too...
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Sep 28th 2001#17393 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
You said I did get a lot of stuff from guistuff? Not really. I got the menu and the associates, but no more. Hey, can I get some POSITIVE commments soon? =)
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Sep 28th 2001#17395 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019 soon as i see something good about your
site, i'll post something positive. nah j/k

actually i'm a little grumpy, so i'll be raggin' bout your
site a little more...i realized this stuff while i was in the

you don't need to have that pop up window, b/c your site doesnt
have enough content to show that it would need to be chromeless, also your banners don't match eachother,
and it seems as though u had just made a page from an
amalgam of other graphx you made previously..

the lightning still looks out of place...

but i'm currently on OPERA5, so that may have something
to do with it...
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Sep 28th 2001#17410 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I agree with the others. Your site does not fit together at all. Looks like you had three different ideas for a site or banner, and then decided to combine them all into one because you could decide which to use or something. None of the fonts match either, or even have the same feeling to them. Some are futuristic, some are graffiti, etc. Were you going for graffiti from the future or something?

It's kind of pointless to use that dHTML scroller when you have another scroll bar right beside it. If you are going to use the dHTML one, rearrange your content so the regular scroll bar disappears. Or just quit using that chromeless window.

Speaking of the chromeless window.... Those are not very nice. They take away any sense of standard navigation from the user. People rely very heavily on they're back button, and if you take it away, they feel lost and don't know how to navigate your site. It will most likely make them feel stupid, and they'll just leave your site. Which I don't think is the result you are looking for.

The colors on your site really don't match. I think this stems from the earlier mentioned problem of the entire site not really fitting together.

Every effect on your site seams to be created from a tutorial. I don't see why you are charging people to do tutorials for them. Even all of your tutorials are just duplications of another tutorial on another site. And all of the stuff in your gallery is just more tutorials.

Why do you hide your navbar like that? I could understand if you were really cramped for space, but you aren't. There is really no reason to have it slide out like that other than you doing it just because you can. It's really just another click the user has to make before they can navigate your site. And as *NL* made clear, some people don't see it, and will not be able to navigate your site at all. Which is most likely going to make them leave in about 4 seconds.

In your tools section, when you follow any of the links, you are taken to another site. But you provide no way to get back to your content. Also, because of your tiny window, you have to scroll a lot horizontally just to view the entire site. I think you could at least put that in another window.

I think that is enough comments for now.
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