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Sep 16th 2001#16370 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i think this is a pretty cool site...flash tho : /
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Sep 16th 2001#16376 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Now that is some of the worst Flash I have seen recently.
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Sep 17th 2001#16411 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109

1. go to the site
2. click on 'menu access'
3. click on 'graphics/flash clips'
4. click the fourth one on the top (for a realtor, has a little house)
5. now look at the clothes the people are wearing in the animation!

am i the only one that finds this funny???
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Sep 17th 2001#16421 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
gg brady bunch!!

that flash is horrible. I don't like stuff talking to me when I mouse over a button.
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Sep 17th 2001#16424 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i didn't even know stuff talked until you mentioned it (i realized it was on mute)
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Sep 17th 2001#16427 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Holy crap... those people are hilarious, Charm! That must be why the Flash is so horrible, it was made in the seventies! Ew... ew. ew. I don't see how people like that get clients. I guess they probably charge $200 a site.
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Sep 17th 2001#16454 Report
Member since: Sep 17th 2001
Posts: 7
wow...thanks for the great comments guys :rolleyes:

I definitely won't argue with you that a lot of those flash clips are lame and cheesy...but unfortunately, that's what happens when you deal with hard-headed clients that want something a certain way even though you completely disagree with it. I'm sure a lot of you who work/have worked on sites for your own clients or your job's clients have run into people like that. I hate having to deal with things like this, but usually you have no choice because your job is to make the customer happy (no matter how horrible his/her tastes may be). Now, I'm not trying to say "hey, this is all the customer's fault"...that's not it at all, but as you can see from the rest of the site (and recent designs like which i havent had a chance to add to the "websites" database yet) that my style is completely different from some of the other type of work i was kind of forced to do.

:: Pablo D. Carrau
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Sep 17th 2001#16457 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
When I run into clients like that, that already know what they want and want me to make something ugly, I just don't put it in my portfolio. And I also charge them more. Because they are bastards.
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