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how bad is it?

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Sep 9th 2001#15817 Report
Member since: Sep 9th 2001
Posts: 3
hello all... I noticed that a lot of you give reviews of sites, and I would appreciate any of your comments.

I am, by trade, a programmer - not so much a designer. I tend to spend more time on the back-end of page's actions, and not so much it's appearance... but I do like to think I have a decent grasp of aesthetic design to where someone can at least find content on my page.

So, with that in mind please do not be too harsh on my design. I used a handful of techniques I read about on this site, so if it looks generic and unpracticed, this is why. Not that this site is generic and unpracticed, just the point that the techniques may seem overused, etc...

The site:
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Sep 9th 2001#15834 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I like the look of it. It's a little rustic and dirty but not pushing the edge of grunge. Grunge is ok though, but the colors fit just fine.

The only thing that really erks me is your use of the dhtml scrollable area for menu's. Since I have heard that netscape has some issues with that object, it's kind of bad to have that as your only available navigation. At least some other alternative to that is almost a requirement.

How long has it been since you upgraded your php/apache? I haven't seen .phtml in ages :p
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Sep 10th 2001#15838 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I think the site has a pretty nice layout, but the colors are a little over bearing. It just looks a little too saturated. I don't exprect grungy rust sites to be so saturated and bright. And I would have liked to see another color used with that brown/reddish color.
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Sep 10th 2001#15841 Report
Member since: Sep 9th 2001
Posts: 3
Axiom... I mostly use '.p' as an extension, but there are still legacy '.phtml' being used... regardless of what extension is being used it does not reflect that an older build of either PHP or Apache is being used. Quite easy to add any extension to Apache and point it to PHP. ;) But, to answer your question... using the latest stable builds.

Concerning the scroll objects... tested them in NS 4.73-4.78 - worked fine. Checked it out in NS 6 and it worked fine. Regardless, I'm not horribly concerned in supporting NS when it comes to certain matters... the browser is lacking in many progressive realms of web development. That's whole different story... heh

Ah, the colors... sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't. But, for the most part I can live with them. My old site design used to be very wordy, so this time around I did not want as much language on the site.

Thanks for suggestion/comments guys...
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Sep 10th 2001#15843 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Nice music list you have. A tad long for such a small box and slow scrolling?

But otherwise very nice looking site.
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Sep 10th 2001#15847 Report
Member since: Sep 9th 2001
Posts: 3
Originally posted by Czak
Nice music list you have. A tad long for such a small box and slow scrolling?

You're definitely correct, Czak. That list has grown into a monster... when I first threw the design together, the list was about half as small. :/ A great example of content out-growing the design... heh

My current job takes about 12 hours of each day... but, I have been modestly thinking about redesigning portions of my personal site. Any suggestions on condensing the long lists in their current state? Speeding it up will not solve it either, I believe... my goal is to keep from having to go to a second page past the 'main' page of my site.

Thanks again.
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Sep 10th 2001#15855 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
"So, with that in mind please do not be too harsh on my design."

you sound like a little wounded animal asking wolves to please not eat it...

i like it. nice colors.

*in general* i hate those little scrolly things. its ok to have a long page. people seem to think this is a bad thing.

your design already goes 'below the fold' so putting the main content in that scroller does not make sense. i need to scroll my browser down to get to the little button to scroll the content down. bad design.

you need a more effective way to present all the bands and movies that are in the scrollers. i know someone already said it.

that's all i can write. here at Folsom Prison we only get 3 minutes of inter-net time a day.
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Sep 10th 2001#15862 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
not bad
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