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Making a site with atmosphere.

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Sep 7th 2001#15604 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
I'm making a website for my friends and I, it is to add another dimension to our SLA Industries (dark future roleplaying, game that we play every week. I'm trying to get the gothic and dark theme of the game to come out in the site.
It's meant to be viewed with a high res, broadband, in a chromeless browser, Usability and download speed aren't issues as it is a site for 6 people only.

If you don't play SLA, the site won't make much sense, but a critique of what it looks like would be nice.
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Sep 7th 2001#15611 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i like it, it really has that gothic feel (i think) to it.

the colors are really dark and gothic-like. Nice work, Czak.
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Sep 8th 2001#15671 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
To me, it has no gothic feel at all. It just looks like a page with a blurry image on the left or right on a black background. I don't think having a black background makes something gothic.

If you remember the old design, to me, that is somewhat 'gothic'. Also, before jake redesigned pseudoart, he had a gothic feel going.

Use imagery of churches, crosses or other tall/pointy things. Especially some architechture built in medevil (sp?) times.
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Sep 9th 2001#15727 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Perhaps gothic was a poor choice of words. There aren't any churches in SLA.
Dark and gloomy is the atmosphere I'm going for, the pictures are blurry because it has been raining non stop for 600 years or so.
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