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liquid9ine ?

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Sep 2nd 2001#15206 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32

i'm not sure what to make of my layout ( )
i can't decide wether it looks simple but effective or plain and boring, all comments are welcome but also tell me what needs changing/adding if you think it looks boring.

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Sep 2nd 2001#15208 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
It's not bad, I like it, but I don't like how the menu is off all the way to the right hand side...
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Sep 2nd 2001#15214 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
It is a nice simple design, though I think the blue and red colors are a little boring. Makes me think of an American flag. Also, I'm on a computer set at 800 x 600, and I have to scroll horizontally to see all of your content. Maybe reduce it about 20 pixels, to make room for the scroll bar.

You both have Liquid in your name... Hee hee.
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Sep 2nd 2001#15215 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
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Sep 2nd 2001#15218 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
ops, you shouldnt have to scroll bad...
ill fix it soon
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Sep 2nd 2001#15231 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
just change the bg color. the rest is nice.
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Sep 5th 2001#15402 Report
Member since: May 16th 2001
Posts: 82
*Get up early in the morning. Now for the real ones.
*I like the top blue and red, but the headings look bad with it because of length. The nice white at the top would look good.
*The navigation on the left is hard to follow.
*The white lines looks out of place. You might want to try white through the text.
*The nav text doesn't have enough contrast from the background.
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Sep 5th 2001#15415 Report
Member since: Aug 29th 2001
Posts: 68
I like the color scheme, I like your choice of blue and red, I think it looks good. The only thing I do not like, is the menu, it seems out of place, like the design does not fit the rest of the site. Also, it is just an image map. I was hoping a mouseover or something on the small scale, nothing flashy, just something. Like liquid :: pixel said, the menu is too far to the right in my opinion. I like the colors overall, but maybe I would choose a smaller image at the top.
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