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Sep 1st 2001#15089 Report
Member since: Sep 1st 2001
Posts: 8
well first let me say hi to everyone

ok, now on to business... I wanted to know what you guys though of my site,

BTW, I'm going to be re-doing the wallpaper and stock photo layouts soon
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Sep 1st 2001#15100 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
nuff said. hehe
maybe you could make the font on the right nav, slightly smaller for the links so they fit on neater
seems a little simple, but that's not always bad either.
nice jbo
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Sep 1st 2001#15104 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
a bit simple but ok
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Sep 1st 2001#15117 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
First lemme say that I like the layout and colors. Yeah it's simple, but I like that.

Now on to the issues.

1- For me on two different machines testing it in 2 different browsers, the rollovers are very slow. There is like a 2 second delay before they switch.

2- The wallpapers open in a window that is too small to view the paper. I hope you are going to redo that when you redo the layout for that part.
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Sep 1st 2001#15136 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
Hey I know you from GUIStuff Forums!!

I love your site. It's very well organized, and everything seems to be in order. I don't expect a graphical design because of all the content you put on there, I wouldn't expect you to have a lot of time.

But none the less, it's a very good site. Luv the fonts and stock photos!! :D
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Sep 1st 2001#15141 Report
Member since: Sep 1st 2001
Posts: 8
thanks everybody

yea I didnt really have time to make a really graphical version because of the content

right now I hardly have time to work on the re-design because I'm working on making new stock photo previews and writing some tutorials (graphics and coding)

liquidpixel: sup man!
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Sep 6th 2001#15542 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
I dont really like it, but it is ok, that is just my opinion. The colours are ok, just all that white doesnt go with me, back you said something about a new wallpaer, maybe my opiion will change.
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