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this was designed by my friend shawn, and i wanted to see what everyone thought of it

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Aug 29th 2001#14915 Report
Member since: Mar 26th 2001
Posts: 73
how does everyone like this site?..i didn't design it, my good friend shawn did, just wondering what everyone thinks of the lay. I personally, think he has crazy skills.
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Aug 30th 2001#14945 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
i like it. just the hard line n the right at the headerimage does not fit. rest is nice - just navigation would be nice.
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Sep 1st 2001#15078 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
i like the way everything is lined up.

the big image is very nice.

i have no interest in reading that guy's ramblings though.

who is this site meant for?
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Sep 1st 2001#15087 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
it crashed my computer.
but what i did see. was nice.
but since it crashed my computer.
it's not nice anymore :D
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Sep 3rd 2001#15306 Report
Member since: Mar 26th 2001
Posts: 73
its for me, his friends, and mainly himself...he changes the lay-out like everyday, so its basically for testing things, because he got the domain and host for no cost.
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Sep 3rd 2001#15314 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
why does everything crash your computer?
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Sep 4th 2001#15321 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
why does everything crash your computer?"

haha! that's funny!
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Sep 4th 2001#15322 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
because i downloaded something from THE DEVIL!!!


it messed up my interenet connection!!!!

and plus i need more RAM

whenever i come on to my comp, and start up IE i'll MOST LIKELY
get a blue screen error, of which it will freeze from there.

the worst was when i got spammed w/ illegal operation messages for explorer...i couldn't close them!!! so it crashed.
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Sep 6th 2001#15547 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
That is phat man, maybe file size coudl be and issue, have you sliced the image already??? MAybe you should if you havent. BUt it looks make though, and yeah that hard line kinda spoils it you whould keep going with the grungy feel and have a edge like the pic.
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