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Tutorials and brushes

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Aug 28th 2001#14826 Report
Member since: May 9th 2001
Posts: 399
I just added a couple of simple tutorials to my site and some photoshop brushes to download.....If yu wouldn't mind, could you try them out and let me know what you think?


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Aug 28th 2001#14827 Report
Member since: May 9th 2001
Posts: 399
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Aug 29th 2001#14844 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 507
what font did you use on the "resume, portfolio, tuts, freebies, and contact?"

cool tuts. I would probably take away the link on the image, on the eyeball, it does some funky nesting of the top interface.

your tuts seem very detailed.. in the explanation.. which is very good!

freebies!! very cool! dl'ing now..

on a final sad note.. your portfolio just makes me want to cry! :rolleyes: its soooo dang cool.. Keep up the good work.



you might want to consider putting a file size beside the freebie downloads.. just to let people know.. admittedly 153k, and 115k aren't that bad.. but its just nice to know.
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Aug 29th 2001#14849 Report
Member since: May 29th 2001
Posts: 54
a pretty nice site...
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Aug 29th 2001#14869 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Cool Jim....very coool!

I really like all the work you have in you portfolio. I didn't download anything cuz I'm at work....but when I get home (in the morning?) I'll check em out.

*note to self*
4 days of working late..... I REALLY need to start coming in late more often.
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Aug 29th 2001#14870 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
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