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A redesign

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Aug 28th 2001#14795 Report
Member since: Apr 12th 2001
Posts: 27
Hi, don't know how many that's seen my old site, but I just got the new version of up and running.
Take a look and let me know what you think.

It's based on PHPnuke a php/mysql newsportal that I did a theme of my own for, so the coding of the functionality and the structure comes from that.
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Aug 29th 2001#14909 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
a bit empty
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Aug 29th 2001#14911 Report
Member since: May 29th 2001
Posts: 54
Change the top banner...the rest looks goood though...
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Aug 30th 2001#14949 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
I don't really like the colours...
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Aug 31st 2001#15002 Report
Member since: Aug 16th 2001
Posts: 24
Hey Liquid::Pixel, In your sig how did u make that green box under the font "Liquid Pixel", it goes straight then dips down, how u make that shape?

Oh and on the posted site, i like it, its clean and organized, nice layout =) (maybe some color change?)
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Aug 31st 2001#15005 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
Oh, very simple...

I took the Rectangular Marquee tool and made a thing rectangle along the bottom. Now WITHOUT de-selecting the selection, I took the Polygonal Lasso Tool to complete the little tab-like object that suddenly just drops down. :D
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Aug 31st 2001#15006 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
I like the colors
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Sep 1st 2001#15076 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
great browns!

oh, dammit. why do you make the user wait for the menu thingies to slide over and back. shame on you!
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Sep 6th 2001#15541 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
yeah everything is nice. ALl nice and simple, apart from the top just a little too siple, maybe somethign different. Like the colours they go good together.
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Sep 7th 2001#15609 Report
Member since: Apr 12th 2001
Posts: 27
Hi all.
Sorry for late reply, busy, busy...
Thanx for your comments!
It's clear that ppl everywhere react to the colors, some like it, some don't, everyone seems to agree that it needs some accent color to "spice it up" a bit.

As for empty, I'm planning to get a lot more content in there as soon as I find some time to sit down and write it.

The menu, well what can I say, I think it's cool ;)

I'll give it some more work on accent colors here and there, I'll take a look at the banner to.

I'm trying to give a similar style as that I made 2 years ago.

Thanx, "I'll be back..."
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